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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/889

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PRO CLAMATION S [No. 1.] BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES or AMERICA: M¤r1¤-1¤>6- A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, pursuant to section one, of the Act of Congress, approved Preamble. July thirteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, entitled "An Act - making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the vo1.zv,p.1a·z. Indian Department, and lor fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, and for other purposes”, certain articles of agreement were made and concluded at the Yankton Indian Agency, South Dakota, on the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and V°L28·1>-314- ninety-two, by and between the United States of America and the Yankton tribe of Sioux or Dacotah Indians upon the Yankton reservation, whereby the said Yankton tribe of Sioux or Dacotah Indians, for the consideration therein mentioned, ceded, sold, relinquished, and conveyed to the United States, all their claim, right, title and interest in and to all the unallotted lands within the limits of the reservation set apart to said tribe by the first article of the treaty of April nineteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, between said tribe and the United States; and Whereas, it is further stipulated and agreed by article eight that V¤L28.1>.31¢i such part of the surplus lands by said agreement ceded and sold to the United States as may be occupied by the United States for agency, ' schools and other purposes, shall be reserved from sale to settlers until they are no longer required for such purposes, but all of the other lands so ceded and sold shall, immediately after the ratification of the agreement by Congress, be offered for sale through the proper land office, to be disposed of under the existing land laws of the United States, to actual and bona tide settlers only ; and W’hereas, it is also stipulated and agreed by article ten that any Izoisgans, sw., orreligious society, or other organization, shall have the right for two “°“*'*““°"'· years from the date of the ratification of the said agreement, within which to purchase the lands occupied by it under proper authority for religious or educational work among the Indians, at a valuation iixed by the Secretary of the Interior, which shall not be less than the average · price paid to the Indians for the surplus lands; and \Vhereas, it is provided in the act of Congress accepting, ratifying v¤1.za,p.s1s. and connrming the said agreement approved August 15, 1894, section 12 (Pamphlet Statutes, 53d Congress, 2d session, pages 314 to 319), That the lands by said agreement ceded, to the United States shall, upon procla- Disposal of lands. mation by the President, be opened to settlement, and shall be subject to disposal only under the homestead and town-site laws of the United States, exceptin the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections in each Congressional township, which shag] be reserved for common school purposes and be subject to the laws of the State of South Dakota: Provided, That each settler on said lands shall, in addition to the fees provided by law, pay to the United States for the land so taken by him the sum of three dollars and seventy-five cents per acre, of which sum he shall pay fifty cents at the time of making his original entry and the balance before making final proof and receiving a certificate of final entry; but the r1ghts_of honorably discharged Union soldiers and sailors, as dctined and described in sections twenty-three hundred and STAT L——VOL :£9—-55 8**