PROCLAMATION S. No. 2. 867 Indians, for the consideration therein mentioned, ceded and conveyed to the Lmted States all their claim, right, title and interest in and to all the unallotted lands within the limits of said reservation, except the five sections_ described in article four of the agreement, viz: section nine, township nine south, range eleven west of the Willamette Merid- 1a_n, and the west half of the west half of section five, and the east half ot section six, and the east half of the west half of section six, township ten south, range ten west, and the south half of section eight, and the north half of section seventeen, and section sixteen, township nine south, range nine west, and the east half of the northeast quarter, and Lot three, section twenty, and south half, and south half of north half ot section twenty-one, township eight, range ten west; and whereas it is further stipulated and agreed by article six that any religious society nengpu, sm., oror other organization shall have the right for two years from the date ""‘*"“ °"" of the_ra.tiiication of this agreement within which to purchase the lands occupied by it, with proper authority, for religious or educational work among the Indians, at the rate of $2.50 per acre, the same to be conveyed to such society or organization by patent; and whereas it is provided in the act of Congress, accepting, ratifying and coniirmin g said agreement, approved August fifteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety- four, (Pamphlet Stats. pp. 286 to 338), section fifteen, that “ The mineral lands shall be disposed of under the laws applicable w,I¥f,P°•** °‘ ***°*‘* thereto, and the balance of the land so ceded shall be disposed of until Vol:28,p. m. further provided by law under the town-site law and under the provisions of the homestead law: Provided, however, That each settler, under and in accordance with the provisions of said homestead laws
hall, at the time of making his original entry, pay the sum of fifty
cents per acre in addition to the fees now required by law, and at the time of making final proof shall pay the further sum of one dollar per acre, final proof to be made within live years from the date of entry, and three years’ actual residence on the land shall be established by such evidence as is now required in homestead proofs as a prerequisite to title or patent", and, Whereas it is provided, “ That immediately after the passage of this Act the Secretary of the Interior shall under such regulations as he may prescribe, open said lands to settlement after proclamation by the President and sixty days' notice: " and Whereas all the terms, conditions and considerations required by said agreement made with said tribe of Indians hereinbefore mentioned, and the laws relating thereto, precedent to opening said lands to settlement have been, as I hereby declare, provided for, paid and complied with: Now, therefore, I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States, Jaudsw opera by by virtue of the power in me vested by the statutes liereinbefore men- $,5,}: g,,,'f.,{§,'{f,,‘},'f tioned, and by said agreement, do hereby declare and make known I<;<;$g:y¤·;5'*e8;g=¢l~ that all of the lands acquired from the Alsea and other Indians, by y ' said agreement, will, at and after the hour of twelve o’clock, noon (Pacino standard time), on the Twenty fifth day of July 1895 and not before, be opened to settlement, under the terms of and subject to all the conditions, limitations, reservations, and restrictions contained in said agreement, the statutes above specified and the laws of the United States applicable thereto. The lands to be so opened to settlement are for greater convenience Schedule. particularly described in the accompanying schedule, entitled “Schedule of lands within the Siletz Indian Reservation, in Oregon, opened to settlement by proclamation of the President, dated May 16th 1895", and which schedule is made ahpart hereof; to _ d P cd Wariiiri is hereb iven t a no person en ring upon an occupy- ;M¤¤ vm ¤<¤ ing said lzgids betoreysgid hour of twelve o’clock, noon, of the 25th day XLS rl2f.,?}} 32E?,,;}? of July 1695, hereinbefore fixed, will ever be permitted to enter any of said lands or acquire any rights thereto, and that the officers of the United States will be required to strictly enforce this provision, which is authorized by the act of August 15, 1894, hereinbefore mentioned.