PBOCLAMATIONS. N0. 12. 879 fur-bearing animal, except fur-seals, under such regulations as he may prescribe; and it shall be the duty of the Secretary to prevent the killing of any fur-seal, and to provide for the execution of the provisions of this section until it is otherwise provided by law; nor shall he grant any special privileges under this section." A Section 3 of the Act entitled ·‘An act to provide for the protection of v°l·25·P·1°°°· the salmon nsheries of Alaska;” approved March 2, 1889, provides: “Sec. 3. That section nineteen hundred and nfty-six of the Revised I·•w¤ grvhibinrx Statutes of the United States is hereby declared to include and apply £i°mm to all the dominion of the United States in the waters of Bering Sea; °*•*°d ¥*;,i*!°l'¤*l• and it shall bc_ the duty of the President, at a timely season in each iii°:£i.°is»`li»¤°?•IPfJ!¤xS¤:a’ year, to ISSUC his proclamation and cause the same to be published for S“““· one month in at least one newspaper, if any such there be published. at each United States port of entry on the Pacino Coast, warning all persons against entering said waters for the purpose of violating the provisions of said section; and he shall also cause one or more vessels of the United States to diligently cruise said waters and arrest all persons, and seize all vessels found to be, or to have been, engaged in any violation of the laws of the United States therein." The Act entitled “An Act to extend to the North Pacino Ocean the Vol-2'Lnm. provisions of the statutes for the protection of the fur-seals and other fur-bearing animals" approved February 21 1893, provides: “ That whenever the Government of the Uznited States shall conclude E¤¤¤·•i¤d w WMM an effective international arrangement for the protection of tiir-seals in 32.,.1:imb P°°m° the North Pacino Ocean, by agreement with any power, or as a result v°1·'”·P·°"· of the decision of the tribunal of arbitration under the convention concluded between the United States and Great Britain February twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, and so long as such arrangement shall continue, the provisions of section nineteen hundred and fifty-six of the Revised Statutes, and all other provisions of the Statutes of the United States, so far as the same may be applicable, relative to the protection of fur-seals and other fur-bearing animals within the limits of Alaska, or in the waters thereon shall be extended to and over all that portion of the Pacino Ocean included in such international arrangement. Whenew·er an effective international arrangement is concluded as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the President to declare that fact by proclamation, and to designate the portion of the Pacino Ocean to which it is applicable, and that this Act has become operative; and likewise, when such arrangement ceases, to declare that fact and that this Act has become inoperative, and his proclamation in respect thereto shall be conclusive. During the extension as aforesaid of said laws for the protection of fur-seals or other fur-bearing animals, all violations thereof in said designated portion of the Pacino Ocean shall be held to be the same as if committed within the limits of Alaska or in the waters thereof, but they may be prosecuted either in the District Court of Alaska, or in any District Court of the United States in California, Oregon or Washington." An arrangement having been made for the protection of fnr·seals, as Inrvrustiounlua result of the decision of the tribunal of arbitration under the conven- "'"‘°"‘°“°‘ tion concluded as aforesaid, February 29, 1892, which prohibits the killing of seals at any time within a radius of sixty miles around the Pribilof Islands, or during May, June and July of each year, in that portion of the racist Ocean, inclusive of Bering Sea, situated to the North of the 35th. degree of North Latitude, and Eastward of the 180th. degree of longitude from Greenwich until it strikes the water boundary described in Article One of the Treaty of 1867 between the United States and Russia, and following that line up to Bering Straits, Now, therefore, be it known that I, Grover Cleveland, President of ed£·c=;_*• ¤¤¤1¤¤¤¤ in the United States of America, hereby declare that the said Act of Congress of February 21, 1893, has become operative; that, in accordanne therewith. Section 1956 of the Revised Statutes is applicable to the waters above mentioned, included in the Award of the Tribunal at Paris given under the said convention of February 29, 1892, and that
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