PROCLAMATIONS. N0. 14. 88] [No. 14.] BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Juiy 21, mc. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas by a proclamation dated the twelfth day of June, A. D. 1895, ryqimbis. attention was called to the serious civil disturbances accompanied by i,,%§{},, ‘“““""°‘“°°“ armed resistance to the established government of Spain then prevailing Mw, r- Sw . in the Island of Cuba, and citizens of the United States and all other persons were admonished to abstain from taking part in such disturbances in contravention of the neutrality laws of the United States; and Whereas said civil disturbances and armed resistance to the authority of Spain, a power with which the United States are on terms of peace and amity, continue to prevail in said Island of Cuba; and Whereas since the date of said proclamation said neutrality laws of the United States have been the subject of authoritative exposition by, the judicial tribunal of last resort, and it has thus been declared that any combination of persons organized in the United States for the purpose of proceeding to and making war upon a foreign country with which the United States are at peace and provided with arms to be used for such purpose constitutes a ‘* military expedition or enterprise " within the meaning of said neutrality laws, and that the providing or preparing of the means for such " military expedition or enterprise," which is expressly prohibited by said laws, includes furnishing or aiding in transportation for such " military expedition or enterprise; ” and Whei·eas by express enactment, if two or more persons conspire to commit an oiience against the United States, any act of one conspirator to effect the object of such conspiracy renders all the conspirators liable to fine and imprisonment; and VVhereas there is reason to believe that citizens of the United States and others within theirjurisdiction tail to apprehend the meaning and operation of the neutrality laws of the United States as authoritatively interpreted as aforesaid and may be misled into participation in transactions which are violations of said laws and will render them liable to the severe penalties provided for such violations; N ow, Therefore, that the laws above referred to as judicially construed may be duly executed, that the international obligations of the United States may be fully satisfied, and that their citizens and all others within their jurisdiction, being seasonably apprised of their legal duty in the premises, may abstain from disobedience to the laws of the United States and thereby escape the forfeitures and penalties legally consequent thereon; _ _ I, Grover Cleveland, President of the Lmted States, do hereby sol- xiiadpemus in the emnly warn all citizens of the United States and all others within their gmc v§$;j_¤¤*;:;;¤{f jurisdiction against violations of the said laws interpreted as hereinbe- nyiim. fore explained and give notice that all such violations will be vigorously prosecuted. And I do hereby invoke the cooperation of all good srxr r—vo1. 29-56
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