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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 3.djvu/156

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vice and consent of the Senate, be authorized to make all necessary appointments, and to fill all vacancies, which may happen in the same.

Approved, March 30, 1814.

Statute II.

March 30, 1814.

Chap. XXXVIII.An Act authorizing the President of the United States to exchange a certain parcel of land in the city of New York, for other lands in the same city or its vicinity.

Release of the title of the United States to a certain lot of ground in favour of the corporation of the city of New York authorized.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States be, and hereby is authorized, in case the same can, in his opinion, be done without disadvantage to the United States, to grant and release to the mayor, aldermen, and commonalty of the city of New York, and their successors forever, all the right, title, and interest of the United States in and to a certain lot or parcel of land lying in the said city of New York, and being that parcel of land first described in a deed bearing date the sixth day of may, one thousand eight hundred and eight, signed by Daniel D. Tompkins, John Broome, John Lansing, James Kent, and Dewitt Clinton, acting as commissioners under the authority of the state of New York, for the purpose of granting to the United States the use and jurisdiction of three several parcels of land therein described: Provided,Proviso. That there be conveyed in fee simple to the United States, in exchange for the same, other land necessary or proper to be occupied for the safety and defence of the city of New York, and which may be equally advantageous to the United States; and in case the lands to be conveyed in exchange to the United States shall be of less value than the land, with its improvements, hereby authorized to be conveyed to the mayor, aldermen, and commonalty, the difference in value may be paid to the United States in money; the respective valuation to be ascertained in such manner and form as the President of the United States may direct.

Approved, March 30, 1814.

Statute II.

March 31, 1814.

Chap. XXXIX.An act providing for the indemnification of certain claimants of public lands in the Mississippi territory.

Supplementary act, Jan. 23, 1815, ch. 24.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That every person or persons claiming public lands in the Mississippi territory, south of the State of Tennessee and west of the State of Georgia, under the act, or pretended act of the State of Georgia, entitled “An act supplementary to an act, entitled ‘An act for appropriating a part of the unlocated territory of this state for the payment of the late state troops and other purposes therein mentioned, declaring the right of this state to the unappropriated territory thereof, for the protection and support of the frontiers of the state and for other purposes,’” passed January the seventh, one thousand seven hundredConditions of indemnification. and ninety-five, who have exhibited the evidence of their claims to the Secretary of State, for the purpose of having the same recorded in books in his office, conformable to the act of congress, passed the third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and three, entitled “An act regulating the grants of lands, and providing for the disposal of the lands of the United States, south of the state of Tennessee,”Act of March 3, 1803, ch. 27. shall be allowed until the first Monday of January next, to deposit in the office of the Secretary of State of the United States, and an assignment and transfer to the United States of their right and claim to any sum or sums of money which by them, or the persons from whom they or any of them have derived their claims, were deposited or paid into the treasury of the State of Georgia, as the consideration of the purchase of the land for which their release of claim is deposit-