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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 3.djvu/159

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missioners to the state of Georgia, in part payment of the one million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, stipulated to be paid by the articles of agreement and cession between the United States and the state of Georgia.

Persons who withdrew money from the treasury of Georgia to be barred.Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That if any person or persons, in pursuance of the act of the state of Georgia, of the thirteenth of February, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six, or of any subsequent act, shall have taken, received, or withdrawn from the treasury of the state of Georgia, any sum or sums of money which had been paid or deposited as the consideration of the purchase of any of the aforesaid lands, which person or persons at the time of receiving or withdrawing said sum or sums of money as aforesaid, were not the bona fide claimants of the lands for the purchase of which said money had been paid or deposited: or if such person or persons had not, at the time the legal title vested in them, supposing the title of Georgia to have been valid, every such person or persons who shall have taken, received or withdrawn the money as aforesaid, shall be deemed and adjudged to have had a received the same to and for the use of the United States, and shall be and hereby are declared to be holden and liable to refund and pay to the United States, or to the treasury of the state of Georgia for the use of the United States, all such sum or sums of money so had and received as aforesaid with legal interest from the time she or they so received the same. And the aforesaid commissioners shall be and they are hereby further authorized and directed to examine into and investigate all cases coming within the purview of this section, and to claim such sum or sums of money to be paid to the United States as to them shall appear just and reasonable, and in case of refusal to pay the same, to direct suits to be commenced for the recovery of the same, in such form and manner as shall be thought most advisable, making plaintiff or complainant as shall be thought most advisable, making plaintiff or complainant, as they shall think best, either the United States, the claimants who shall have transferred to the United States their right of action against the aforesaid persons, or the state of Georgia as bailee of the money so taken, received, and withdrawn from the treasury of the said state: Provided,Proviso. That if it should be thought advisable to institute the suits for the recovery of the moneys aforesaid in the name of the state of Georgia, or of its proper officers, the consent thereto from the proper authority of the state of Georgia, shall be first had and obtained; And provided also,Proviso. That the said suits shall be conducted at the proper expense of the United States.

Vouchers to be obtained from the state of Georgia.Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States be, and he hereby is authorized to apply to the Governor of the State of Georgia, for all such vouchers and testimony within archives or treasury of the said state as may be necessary for carrying into effect the provisions of this act.

Cases of persons under age, &c. &c. provided for.Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That whenever the legal estate in any of the said lands (supposing the said act of the Legislature of the State of Georgia of the seventh of January, seventeen hundred and ninety-five, had been valid and effectual) shall be vested in any person or persons who, at the time of the passing of this act, shall be under the age of twenty-one years, it shall be lawful for the guardian or guardians of such person or persons, appointed in pursuance of the laws of the respective states in which such person or persons shall reside, to execute for and in behalf of such person or persons, and deposit in the office of the Secretary of State of the United States the release, assignment, and power mentioned in the first section of this act; which said release, assignment, and power, so executed and deposited as aforesaid, are hereby declared to be to be good and effectual to all intents and purposes, and that in case of femes-covert claiming lands under the act, or pretended act of the state of Georgia aforesaid, passed the seventh of January, seventeen hundred