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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 3.djvu/176

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of the President of the United States, or which shall have been or may be incurred in cases of calls made by the authority by him, shall be adjusted and paid in like manner as the expenses incurred after their arrival at such place of rendezvous, on the requisition of the President of the United States: Provided,Proviso. That nothing herein contained shall be considered as authorizing any species of expenditure previous to arriving at the place of rendezvous, which is not provided by existing laws to be paid for after their arrival at such place of rendezvous.

Muster rolls to be signed by the proper officers.
Act of May 8, 1792, ch. 33.
Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That in all cases where a brigade of militia shall be called forth for actual service, it shall be the duty of the brigade major of such brigade to inspect and muster the same, and sign the muster rolls conformably to the provisions of the act, entitled “An act more effectually to provide for the national defence, by establishing an uniform militia throughout the United States.” If less than a brigade be called forth, then it shall be the duty of a brigade major of the district wherein such militia may rendezvous, to inspect and muster the same, and sign the muster rolls: two musters to be made in the manner aforesaid, one on the assembling, and the other on the discharge of such militia. If there should be no brigade major in the vicinity, the commanding officer may direct any officer under the rank of lieutenant colonel, whether of the regular troops or militia, to inspect and muster the militia so called forth.

Commissioned officers and others may be punished for acts committed while in service after discharge.Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That any commissioned officer, non-commissioned officer, musician or private of the militia of the United States, may be tried and punished for the same, although his term of service may have expired, in like manner as if he had been actually in the service of the United States.

Continuance of this act until Feb. 17, 1816.Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That this act be continued in force for and during the present war, and no longer.

Approved, April 18, 1814.

Statute II.

April 18, 1814.

Chap. LXXXIV.An Act concerning the pay of officers, seamen and marines in the navy of the United States.

Pay, &c. &c. of commissioned and warrant officers.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the pay and subsistence of the respective commissioned and warrant officers be as follows: a lieutenant other than a master commandant, or lieutenant commanding a small vessel, forty dollars per month and three rations per day; a chaplain forty dollars per month and two rations per day; a surgeon fifty dollars per month and two rations per day; a surgeon’s mate thirty dollars per month and two rations per day; a purser forty dollars per month and two rations per day; a boatswain twenty dollars per month and two rations per day; a gunner twenty dollars per month and two rations per day; a sail-maker twenty dollars per month and two rations per day; and that the payBounty and allowance or to ordinary seamen and marines.
to be allowed to the petty officers and midshipmen, adn the pay and bounty upon enlistment of the seamen, ordinary seamen, and marines, shall be fixed by the President of the United States: Provided, That the whole sum to be given for the whole pay aforesaid, and for the pay of officers, and that the amount of bounties upon enlistment of seamen and marines, shall not exceed for any year the amount which may, in such year, be appropriated for those purposes respectively.

President may authorize the augmentation of pay in certain cases.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the President be, and he is hereby authorized to make an addition, not exceeding twenty-five per cent., to the pay of the officers, petty officers, midshipmen, seamen and