the United States or territories thereof, in any still or stills, or in any other vessel, or by the aid of any boiler, as defined in the act, entitled “An act laying duties on licenses to distillers of spirituous liquors,” in addition to the duties payable for licenses therefor, the duties following, that is to say: for every gallon of such spirits distilled wholly or in part from foreign materials, twenty cents; and for every gallon of such spirits distilled from domestic materials, twenty cents; which said duties shall be paid by the owner, agent, or superintendent, of the still or other vessel in which the said spirits shall have been distilled: the amount thereof payable by any one person at any one time, if not exceeding ten dollars, shall, and if exceeding ten dollars, may, be paid in money, with a deduction of two per centum, at the time of rendering the accounts of spirits so chargeable with duty, required to be rendered by the second section of this act, or without deduction at the next subsequent time prescribed for rendering such accounts.
Distillers to give bonds that they will make due entries and reports of their stills and boilers, and perform certain other acts.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That every person who, on the first day of February next, shall be the owner, of any still or boiler, or other vessel, used or intended to be used for the purpose of distilling spirituous liquors, or who shall have such still or boiler, or other vessel, under his superintendence, either as agent for the owner, or on his own account, shall, before the said day, and every person who, after the said day, shall use, or intend to use, any still or boiler, or other vessel, as aforesaid, either as owner, agent, or otherwise, shall, before he shall begin so to use, or cause the same to be used, give bond in such sum as shall be prescribed by the Treasury Department, with at least two sureties, to the satisfaction of the collector of internal duties for the district in which the same shall situate, in a sum not less than the computed duties for one year, nor less than one thousand dollars, that he will, before using and causing the same to be used, make true and exact entry and report in writing, to the said collector, of every such still or boiler, or other vessel owner or superintended by him, with the capacity thereof, the names of the owner, agent, and superintendent, the placeConditions of the bond to be given by distillers. where situate, and whether intended to be employed on foreign or domestic materials, with the quantity of domestic spirits in gallons, which he may have on hand: that he will thereafter, before using or causing the same to be used, make like entry and report, of any other still or boiler, or other vessel, used or intended to be used for distillation, that he may own, or have the agency of superintendence of, with the capacity there of, the names of the owner, agent, and superintendent, the place where situate, and whether intended to be employed on foreign or domestic materials, with information from time to time, of any change in the form, capacity, agency, ownership or superintendence, which all or either of the said stills or boilers, or other vessels, may undergo: that he will, from day to day, enter or cause to be entered, in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, and which shall be open at all times, between the rising and setting of the sun, for the inspection of the said collector, who may take any minutes, memorandums, or transcripts, thereof, the number of gallons of spirits distilled, keeping separate accounts of the spirits distilled from foreign and domestic materials; and will render to the said collector, on the first day of January, April, July and October, in each year, or within ten days thereafter, a general account in writing, taken from his books, of the number of gallons of each kind of spirits distilled for three months preceding said days, or for such portion thereof as may have elapsed from the date of said entry and report to the said day which shall next ensue: that he will at the said times deliver to the said collector the original book of entries, which book shall be retained by said officer: that he will verify, or cause to be verified, the said entries, reports, books, and general accounts, on oath or affirmation, to be taken before the collector, or some officer authorized by the laws of the state