or tender thereof shall be made to the proper officer charged with the collection, of the full amount demanded, together with such fee for levying, and such sum for the necessary and reasonable expenses of removing and keeping the goods, chattels, or effecs, so distrained, as may be allowed in like cases by the laws or practice of the state or territory wherein the distress shall have been made; but in case of non-payment or tender as aforesaid, the said officer shall proceed to sell the said goods, chattels or effects, at public auction, and shall and may retain from the proceeds of such sales, the amount demandable for the use of the United States, with the said necessary and reasonable expenses of distress and sale, as aforesaid, and a commission of five per centum thereon for his own use, rendering the overplus, if any there be, to the person whose goods, chattels, or effects shall have been distrained: Provided,Proviso. That it shall not be lawful to make distress of the tools or implements of a trade or profession, beasts of the plough necessary for the cultivation of improved lands, arms, or necessary household furniture, and apparel for a family.
Spirits distilled within the United States upon which the duties have not been paid, to be forfeited.Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That all spirits which shall be distilled within the United States or territories thereof, the duties on which shall not have been duly paid or secured, according to the true intent and meaning of this act, shall be forfeited, and may be seized as forfeited by any collector of the internal duties; Provided always, That such spirits shall not be liable to seizure and forfeiture in the hands of a bona fide purchaser, without notice of the duties not being paid, or secured to be paid.
Spirits distilled to be forfeited for violations of this law.Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the owner, agent, or superintendent, of any still, boiler or other vessel, used in the distillation of spirits, who shall neglect or refuse to make true and exact entry and report of the same or to do or cause to be done any of the things by this act required to be done as aforesaid, expecting to pay the duties hereby laid in cases where the bond required by the second section of this act has been given, shall forfeit, for every such neglect or refusal, all the spirits distilled by or for him, and the stills, boilers, and other vessels, used in distillation, together with the sum of one thousand dollars, to be recovered with costs of suit, which said spirits, with the vessels containing the same, and stills, boilers, and other vessels uded in distillation, may be seized by any collector of the internal duties, and held by him until a decision shall be had thereon, according to law: Provided,Proviso. Such seizure be made within three months after the cause for the same may have occured, and that a prosecution or action thereupon shall have been commenced by such collector, within twenty days after the seizure thereof.
Bonds to be deemed forfeited in case their conditions are not fulfilled.Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That in case the duties aforesaid shall not be paid or recovered agreeably to the provisions of this act, or in case any acts shall be done contrary to, or any acts omitte, that are required to be done by the bond to be given as aforesaid, or the penalties incurred thereby shall not be recovered, the said bond shall be deemed forfeited, and shall be put in suit by the collector, for the recovery of the amount of the said duties, with the addition thereon, penalties, and costs, or either, as the case may be; and judgment thereon shall and may be taken at the return term, on motion to be made in open court: Provided, That the writ or process in such case shall have been executed at least fourteen days before the return day thereof.
Penalties for obstructing the execution of this act, or rescuing property seized under it.Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That if any person shall forcibly obstruct or hinder a collector in the execution of this act, or of any of the powers or authorities hereby vested in him, or shall forcibly rescue, or cause to be rescued, any spirits, still, boiler, or other vessel, after the same shall have bee nseized by him, or shall attempt or endeavour so to do, the person so offending shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars.