thirteen, shall be and remain in force, and shall, in all its provisions, be applied for the purpose of laying, collecting, and securing the duties by this act added or imposed, except as regards the rates of postage, as well with respect to the persons respectively liable to the payment thereof, as with respect to the officers employed in collecting and accounting for the same.
Faith of the United States pledged for the application of the revenue arising under this act.
Act of July 24, 1813, ch. 25.
Act of April 30, 1810, ch. 37.
Act of Aug. 2, 1813, ch. 39.Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That towards establishing an adequate revenue to provide for the payment of the expenses of government, for the punctual payment of the public debt, principal and interest, contracted and to be contracted, according to the terms of the contracts respectively, and for creating an adequate sinking fund, gradually to reduce and eventually to extinguish the public debt, contracted and to be contracted; the internal rates and duties added, laid, and imposed by this act, and the internal rates and duties laid and imposed by the said several acts of Congress, entitled, respectively, “An act laying duties on sales at auction of merchandise, and ships and vessels;” “An act regulating the postoffice establishment;” and “An act laying duties on licenses to retailers of wines, spirituous liquors, and foreign merchandise;” shall continue to be laid, levied, and collected, during the present war between the United States and Great Britain, and until the purposes aforesaid shall be completely accomplished, any thing in the said acts of Congress to the contrary thereof, in any wise, notwithstanding. And for the effectual application of the revenue, to be raised by and from the said internal duties, to the purposes aforesaid, in due form of law, the faith of the United States is hereby pledged: And provided further, That nothing in this act contained, shall be deemed or construed in any wise to rescind or impair any specific appropriation of the said duties, or any or either of them, heretofore made by law; but such appropriation shall remain and be carried into effect according to the true intent and meaning of the law and laws making the same, any thing in this act to the contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding.
Approved, December 23, 1814.
Statute III.
Chap. XVII.—An Act supplementary to the acts authorizing a loan for several sums of twenty-five millions of dollars and three millions of dollars.
Treasury notes to be issued for sum deficient in an authorized loan.
Act of March 24, 1814, ch. 29.
Act of Nov. 15, 1814, ch. 4.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be and he is hereby authorized, with the approbation of the President of the United States, to cause treasury notes to be prepared, signed and issued, for and in lieu of so much of the sum authorized to be borrowed on the credit of the United States, by the act of Congress, entitled “An act to authorize a loan for a sum not exceeding twenty-five millions of dollars,” passed on the twenty-fourth day of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, and also for, and in lieu of so much of the sum authorized to be borrowed on the credit of the United States by the act of Congress, entitled “An act authorizing a loan for [a] sum of three millions of dollars,” passed on the fifteenth day of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, as has not been borrowed or otherwise employed in the issue of treasury noted according to law: Provided always,The amount of treasury notes which may be issued shall not exceed 7,500,000 dollars. That the whole amount of treasury notes issued by virtue of this act, for and in lieu of the residue of the said two sums as aforesaid, shall not exceed the sum of seven