of, be, or be not, in a just relation or proportion to other valuations in the same assessment district. And all appeals to the principal assessors as aforesaid, shall be made in writing, and shall specify the particular cause, matter or thing, respecting which a decision is requested; and shall moreover state the ground or principal of inequality or error complained of. And the principal assessor shall have power to re-examine and equalize the valuations as shall appear just and equitable; but no valuation shall be increased,Increase of valuation. without a previous notice of at least five days to the party interested, to appear and object to the same, if he judge proper; which notice shall be given by a note in writing, to be left at the dwelling house of the party by such assessor, as the principal assessor shall designate for that purpose.
Taxes of county or state districts, containing more than one assessment district to be equalized.Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, That whenever a county or state district shall contain more than one assessment district, the principal assessor shall have power, on examination of the lists rendered by the assistant assessors, according to the provisions of this act, revise, adjust and equalize, the valuation of lands and lots of ground, with their improvements, dwelling houses, and slaves, between such assessment district, by deducting from, or adding to, either, such a rate, per centum, as shall appear just and equitable.
Principal assessors to form a board for the despatch of business.Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That the principal assessors shall, immediately after the expiration of the time for hearing and deciding appeals, make out correct lists of the valuation and enumeration in each assessment district, and deliver the same to the board of principal assessors hereinafter constituted, in and for the states respectively. And it shall be the duty of the principal assessors, in each state, to convene, in general meeting, at such time and place as shall be appointed and directed by the Secretary of the Treasury. And the said principal assessors, or a majority of them, so convened, shall constitute, and they are hereby constituted a board of principal assessors for the purposes of this act, and shall make and establish such rules and regulations, as to them shall appear necessary for carrying such purposes into effect, not being inconsistent with this act, or the laws of the United States.
A clerk or clerks to be appointed by the board, who shall be sworn or affirmed.Sec. 17. And be it further enacted, That the said board of principal assessors, convened and organized as aforesaid, shall and may appoint a suitable person or persons, to be their clerk or clerks, who shall hold his or their office, or offices, at the pleasure of the said board of principal assessors, and whose duty it shall be to receive, record, and preserve all tax lists, returns and other documents delivered and made to the said board of principal assessors, and who shall take an oath of affirmation, (if conscientiously scrupulous of taking an oath,) faithfully to discharge his or their trust; and in default of taking such oath or affirmation, previous to entering on the duties of such appointment, or on failure to perform any part of the duties enjoined on him or them respectively by this act, he or they shall respectively forfeit and pay the sum of two hundred dollars, for the use of the United States, to be recovered in any court having competent jurisdiction, and shall also be removed from office.
Duties of the clerks prescribed.Attendance of the assessors to be noted by them, &c.Sec. 18. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said clerks to record the proceedings of the said board of principal assessors, and to enter on the record the names of such principal assessors, as shall attend any general meeting of the board of principal assessors for the purposes of this act. And if any principal assessor shall fail to attend such general meeting, his absence shall be noted on the said record, and he shall, for every day he may be absent therefrom, forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars for the use of the United States. And if any principal assessor shall fail or neglect to furnish the said board of principal assessors, with the lists of valuation and enumeration of each assessment district within his collection district, within three