purpose being certified by the principal assessor, and approved by the comptroller of the treasury, and three dollars for every hundred taxable persons contained in the tax lists as completed and delivered by him to the principal assessor: to each of the principal assessors constituting the board of principal assessors as aforesaid, for every day’s actual attendance at the said board, the sum of three dollars, and for travelling to and from the place designated by the Secretary of the Treasury, three dollars for each thirty miles. And to each of the clerks of the said board, three dollars for every day’s actual attendance thereon. And the said board of principal assessors, and the said assessors severally and respectively, shall be allowed their necessary and reasonable charged for books and stationery used in the execution of their duties; and the compensation herein allowed shall be in full for all other expenses not particularly specified.
Compensation provided for the principal assessors, and the assistants, as well as of the boards, to be paid at the treasury.
Proviso.Sec. 36. And be it further enacted, That the compensation herein before provided for the services of the principal assessors and their assistants, and for the board of principal assessors and their clerks, shall be paid at the treasury; and there is hereby appropriated for that purpose the sum of two hundred thousand dollars, to be paid out of any money not otherwise appropriated. And the President of the United States shall be and he is hereby authorized to augment, in cases where he shall deem it necessary, the compensation authorized by this act for the principal assessors and their assistants: Provided, That no principal assessor shall, in any case, receive more than three hundred dollars, and no assistant shall, in any case, receive more than three hundred dollars, and no assistant assessor shall receive more than one hundred and fifty dollars: and for such augmented compensation, and the expense of carrying this act annually into effect, there is further hereby appropriated an annual sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.
President may make appointments of principal assessors, in recess of the Senate.Sec. 37. And be it further enacted, That in cases where principal assessors have not been, or shall not, during the present session of Congress, be appointed, and in cases where vacancies shall occur in the office of principal assessor, the President of the United States is hereby authorized to make appointments during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions, which shall expire at the end of the next session. And where no person can be found in any collection district, or assessment district, to serve either as collector, principal assessor, or assistant assessor respectively, the President of the United States is hereby authorized to appoint one of the deputy postmasters in such district to serve as collector, or assessor, as the case may be. And it shall be the duty of such deputy postmaster to perform accordingly the duties of such officer.
Separate accounts to be kept at the treasury of the proceeds of direct taxes and internal duties.Sec. 38. And be it further enacted, That separate accounts shall be kept at the treasury, of all moneys received from the direct tax and from the internal duties, in each of the respective states, territories, and collection districts: and that separate accounts shall be kept of the amount of each species of duty that shall accrue, with the moneys paid to the collectors, assessors and assistant assessors, and to the other officers employed, in each of the respective states, territories, and collection districts, which accounts it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury, annually, in the month of December, to lay before Congress.
Made the duty of the principal assessors to ascertain and keep accounts of the transfers of real property.Act of March 3, 1815, ch. 90.Sec. 39. And be it further enacted, That the principal assessors respectively shall, yearly, and every year, after the year one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, in the month of January, inquire and ascertain, in the manner by the sixth section of this act provided, what transfers and changes of property in lands, lots of ground, dwelling houses and slaves, have been made and effected in their respective districts, subsequent to the next preceding valuation, assessment and apportionment of the direct tax by this act laid; and within twenty days thereafter, they shall