forfeit, for every such neglect or refusal, all the goods, wares, and merchandise, manufactured or made by or for him, with the vessels containing the same, and the vessels, machines, implements, or utensils, used in said manufacture or making, together with the sum of five hundred dollars, to be recovered with costs of suit; which said goods, wares, and merchandise, with the vessels, or machines, implements or utensils, so used, may be seized by any collector of the internal duties, and held by him until a decision shall be had thereon according to law; Provided,Proviso. Such seizure be made within three months after the cause for the same may have occurred, and that a prosecution or action thereupon shall have commenced by such collector within sixty days after such seizure.
Bonds to be forfeited—in what cases.Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That in case the duties aforesaid shall not be paid or recovered agreeably to the provisions of this act, or in case any act shall be done contrary to, or any acts omitted that are required to be done by, the bond to be given as aforesaid, or the penalties incurred thereby shall not be recovered, the said bond shall be deemed forfeited, and shall be put in suit by the collector, for the recovery of the amount of the said duties, with the addition thereon, penalties and costs, or either, as the case may be; and judgment thereon shall and may be taken at the return term, on motion to be made in open court, unless sufficient cause to the contrary be shown to, and allowed by the court; Provided, That the writ or process in such case shall have been executed at least fourteen days before the return day thereof.
Duties payable upon articles manufactured for sale, only.Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That the duties imposed by this act, shall be considered as applying solely to articles manufactured for sale, and shall not be considered as including any articles manufactured exclusively for the use of the person manufacturing the same.
Upon what description of goods duties to be paid.Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That the duties laid by this act, shall be payable on all the goods, wares, and merchandise aforesaid, the manufacture or making of which, shall not within ninety days after the passing thereof, be fully completed, or which shall not be then in the condition in which they usually are when offered for sale.
Penalties for using stills, &c. without renewing licenses.Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That any owner, occupier, agent, or superintendent, as aforesaid, who may have given bond as required in the second section of this act, who shall, after thirty days’ notice given him in writing, by the collector, fail to renew or change the same in regard to the sureties and penalties thereof, as is in the same section provided, shall thereafter incur the penalties attached to employing the said buildings, or vessels, or machines, implements, or utensils, without having a license therefor.
Form of the bond, &c. to be prescribed by Secretary of the Treasury.
Returns to be made by owners.Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That the forms of the bond required to be given by the second section of this act, as well as the forms of the several oaths, reports, entries, statements, and accounts, by this act required to be taken, kept, and rendered, shall be prescribed by the Treasury Department, agreeably to which the aforesaid specification of the buildings or vessels, in which, or of the machines, implements, or utensils, wherewith, the aforesaid goods, wares, and merchandise, shall be manufactures or made, shall be rendered by the owner, occupier, agent, or superintendent thereof.