ration, and to allow them such compensation for their services, respectively, as shall be reasonable; and shall be capable of exercising such other powers and authorities for the well governing and ordering of the officers of the said corporation, as shall be prescribed, fixed, and determined, by the laws, regulations, and ordinances, of the same.
Fundamental articles, &c.Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That the following rules, restrictions, limitations, and provisions, shall form and be fundamental articles of the constitution of the said corporation, to wit:
Rules concerning voting for directors.1. The number of votes to which the stockholders shall be entitled, in voting for directors, shall be according to the number of shares he, she, or they, respectively, shall hold, in the proportions following, that is to say; for one share and not more than two shares, one vote; for every two shares above two, and not exceeding ten, one vote; for every four shares above ten, and not exceeding thirty, one vote; for every six shares above thirty, and not exceeding sixty, one vote; for every eight shares above sixty, and not exceeding one hundred, one vote; and for every ten shares above one hundred, one vote; but no person, co-partnership, or body politic, shall be entitled to the greater number than thirty votes; and after the first election, no share or shares shall confer a right of voting, which shall not have been holden three calendar months previous to the day of election. And stockholders actually resident within the United States, and none other, may vote in elections by proxy.
A part of the directors appointed by the stockholders and president, alone eligible a second year, successively.
President always eligible.
Stockholders, citizens, may be only appointed directors. Directors to have no compensation other than the president.Second. Not more than three-fourths of the directors elected by the stockholders, and not more than four-fifths of the directors appointed by the President of the United States, who shall be in office at the time an annual elections, shall be elected or appointed for the next succeeding year; and no director shall hold his office more than three years out of four in succession: but the director who shall be the president at the time of an election may always be re-appointed, or re-elected, as the case may be.
Third. None by a stockholder, resident citizen of the United States, shall be a director; nor shall a director be entitled to any emoluments; but the directors may make such compensation to the president for his extraordinary attendance at the bank, as shall appear to them reasonable.
Fourth. Not less than seven directors shall constitute a board for the transaction of business, of whom the president shall always be one, except in case of sickness or necessary absence:Seven directors, including the president, may constitute a board.
How his place is supplied in case of absence or sickness. in which case his place may be supplied by any other director whom he, by writing, under his hand, shall depute for that purpose. And the director so deputed may do and transact all the necessary business, belonging to the office of the president of the said corporation, during the continuance of the sickness or necessary absence of the president.
Fifth. A number of stockholders, not less than sixty, who, together, shall be proprietors of one thousand shares or upwards,General meetings of the stockholders—how to be called. shall have power at any time to call a general meeting of the stockholders, for purposes relative to the institution, giving at least ten weeks’ notice in two public newspapers of the place where the bank is seated, and specifying in such notice the object or objects of such meeting.
Cashier to give bonds and security.Sixth. Each cashier or treasurer, before he enters upon the duties of his office, shall be required to give bond, with two or more sureties, to the satisfaction of the directors, in a sum not less than fifty thousand dollars, with a condition for his good behaviour, and the faithful performance of his duties to the corporation.
Limitation concerning, and a description of the real estate which may be held by the corporation.Seventh. The lands, tenements, and hereditaments, which it shall be lawful for the said corporation to hold, shall be only such as shall be requisite for its immediate accommodation in relation to the convenient transacting of its business, and such as shall have been bona fide mortgaged to it by way of security, or conveyed to it in satisfaction of debt pre-