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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 3.djvu/356

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distributed in the same proportions and under the same regulations as prize money is now by law directed to be distributed, among the captors of the Algerine vessels, captured by the American squadron, under the command of Commodore Decatur, and afterwards restored to the Dey of Algiers.

Approved, April 27, 1816.

Statute I.

April 27, 1816.

Chap. CXX.An Act making appropriations for rebuilding light-houses and for completing the plan of lighting them, according to the improvements of Winslow Lewis, for placing beacons and buoys, for preserving Little Gull Island, and for surveying the coast of the United States.

Specific appropriations for rebuilding light-houses, &c.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sums hereinafter mentioned be, and the same are hereby, appropriated for the following purposes, to wit: For rebuilding the light-house on Point Judith, Rhode Island, seven thousand five hundred dollars. For completing the fitting up of all the light-houses with Winslow Lewis’s improvements, in addition to the sums heretofore appropriated for that purpose, sixteen thousand dollars. For the construction of works deemed necessary for the preservation of Little Gull Island, thirty thousand dollars. For rebuilding the light-house on New Point Comfort, Virginia, seven thousand dollars. For rebuilding the light-house on Baker’s Island, Massachusetts, four thousand dollars. For the following objects, being the balances of former appropriations for the same purposes, carried to the surplus fund: For erecting light-houses at the mouth of the Mississippi, and at or near the pitch of Cape Look Out, North Carolina, thirty-four thousand nine hundred and ninety-five dollars. For rebuilding a light-house at Naushawn Island, near Tarpaulen Cove, Massachusetts, two thousand four hundred and seventy-five dollars. For erecting a beacon and placing buoys near the entrance of Savannah river, two thousand four hundred and ninety-four dollars and eighty-five cents. For placing buoys and beacons at or near the entrance of the harbour of Beverly, Massachusetts, three hundred and forty-one dollars and ninety-five cents. For erecting two lights on Lake Erie, to wit: at or near Bird Island, and on or near Presque Isle, one thousand five hundred and ninety dollars. For placing beacons and buoys on Georgetown bar, and in Winyaw Bay, South Carolina, one thousand five hundred dollars. For defraying the expense of surveying the coast of the United States, fifty-four thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars and fifty-seven cents. For repairing piers in the harbour of Newburyport, Massachusetts, a sum not exceeding seven hundred dollars. Provided, That the jurisdiction of the site where such piers are erected shall be first ceded to the United States.

Approved, April 27, 1816.

Statute I.

April 27, 1816.

Chap. CXXI.An Act to authorize the building of three light-houses, viz one on Race Point, one on Point Gammon, and on the Island of Petite Manon, in the state of Massachusetts.

Certain lighthouses to be built.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That as soon as a cession shall be made by the state of Massachusetts to the United States, of the jurisdiction over the land sufficient for the purpose, the Secretary of the Treasury shall be, and he is hereby authorized to provide, by contract, to be approved by the President of the United States, for building