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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 3.djvu/369

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in conformity with the laws, usages and customs of the Spanish government: And whereas, the commissioners, in and for the western district of the state of Louisiana, formerly territory of Orleans, in their several reports of the sixteenth of October, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, fourth of December, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, ninth of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, sixth of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, first of May, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, and fourth of May, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, have formed this second class, recommending the claims which it embraces, for confirmation, and have designated the same, by letter B, and the register of the land office and receiver of public moneys, acting as commissioners for adjusting the titles and claims to land in the said district, in their report, dated the thirtieth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, under the act giving further time for registering claims to land in the western district of the territory of Orleans, passed the tenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, theAct of March 10, 1812, ch. 97.
Act of Feb. 27, 1813, ch. 38.
Act of April 12, 1814, ch. 52.
Act giving further time for registering claims to land in the eastern and western district of the territory of Orleans,” passed the twenty-seventh day of February, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, and the act of the twelfth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, have arranged the claims into the following classes, to wit: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven; Therefore,

Confirmation of certain claims.Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the claims marked B, and described in the several classes in the above-mentioned reports of the commissioners for the western district of the state of Louisiana, formerly territory of Orleans, and recommended by them for confirmation, be, and the same are hereby confirmed: Provided nevertheless,Proviso. That under no one claim shall any person or persons be entitled, under this act, to more than the quantity contained in a league square.

Certain other claims confirmed.
1812, ch. 99.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That all claims embraced in the reports of the recorder of land titles, acting as commissioner for ascertaining and adjusting the titles and claims to land, in the territory of Missouri, dated November first, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, and February second, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, where the decision of the said commissioner is in favour of the claimants, shall be, and the same are hereby confirmed, to wit: confirmations of village claims under the act of Congress of the thirteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and twelve: grants of the late board of commissioners, appointed for ascertaining and adjusting the titles and claims to land in the territory of Missouri, extended by virtue of the fourth section of the act of the third of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen,Act of March 3, 1813, ch. 44, sect. 3. grants and confirmations under the several acts of Congress, commencing with the act of the thirteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and twelve.

In cases not provided for by law, if claim is confirmed a patent to issue.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That in all cases not provided for by law for patent certificates to issue, every person and the legal representative of every person, whose claim to a tract of land is confirmed by this or any former act, and who has not already obtained a patent certificate for the same, shall, whenever his claim shall have been located and surveyed according to law, be entitled to receive from the register of the land office at Opelousas, in the state of Louisiana, or from the recorder of land titles in the territory of Missouri, as the case may be, a certificate, stating that the claimant is entitled to a patent for such tract of land, by virtue of this act, for which certificate the officer issuing the same shall receive one dollar,Fees. and the certificate shall entitle the party to a patent for the tract of land, which shall issue in like manner as is provided by law for patents to issue for lands purchased of the United States.

Approved, April 29, 1816.