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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 3.djvu/541

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two hundred and eighty-five thousand dollars: which terms several sums, hereby appropriated, together with the amount heretofore advanced by the United States for making said road, shall be repaid out of the fund reserved for laying out and making roads to the states of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, by virtue of the several acts for the admission of the aforesaid states into the Union.

Surveying public lands.For surveying the public lands of the United States, one hundred and sixty thousand dollars.

New executive buildings.For expenses attending the occupancy of the new executive buildings, including fuel, furniture, and other incidental expenses, twenty-three thousand two hundred and ninety-seven dollars and fifty-nine cents.

For covering with slate the two executive buildings now occupied by the State, Treasury, War, and Navy, Departments, ten thousand dollars.

Miscellaneous claims, &c.For the discharge of such miscellaneous claims against the United States, not otherwise provided for, as shall have been admitted in due course of settlement at the treasury, six thousand dollars.

Clerks in office of superintendent of Indian trade.
1818, ch. 87.
Clerks of commissary general of purchases.
For additional compensation allowed to the clerks in the office of the superintendent of Indian trade, per act of twentieth April, eighteen hundred and eighteen, four hundred and fifty dollars.

For compensation to the clerks in the office of the commissary general of purchases, two thousand eight hundred dollars.

Messenger.For compensation to the messenger in said office, three hundred and sixty dollars.

Clerks.For expense of fuel, stationery, printing, and other contingent expenses, in said office, nine hundred and thirty dollars.

Contingent expenses.For allowance to the clerks in the office of the commissary general of subsistence, two thousand one hundred and fifty dollars.

For the contingent expenses of said office, two thousand seven hundred dollars.

Salaries to ministers, &c. of the United States at foreign courts, &c.For salaries to the ministers of the United States to London, Paris, St. Petersburg, Rio Janeiro, and Madrid, with the salaries of their several secretaries of legation, and the salary of a chargé des affaires at the Hague and at Stockholm, and for the usual allowance of three months’ salary to the minister at Stockholm, payable on his return home, sixty-six thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.

Outfit of minister to Rio Janeiro, Madrid, &c.For outfit a minister plenipotentiary at Rio Janeiro, and Madrid, and also for the chargé des affaires at London, the Hague, and Stockholm, thirty-one thousand five hundred dollars.

Contingent expenses.For the contingent expenses of the missions aforesaid, ten thousand dollars.

Deficiency of former appropriation for foreign intercourse, &c.
Contingent expenses of foreign intercourse.
For a deficiency in the appropriations of former years, for the payment of expenses of foreign intercourse, including losses on drafts and the difference of exchange, twenty-five thousand dollars.

For the contingent expenses of intercourse between the United States and foreign nations, thirty thousand dollars.

Intercourse with Barbary powers.For expenses of intercourse with the Barbary powers, forty-two thousand dollars.

For the expenses, during the present year, for carrying into effect the fifth, sixth, and seventh, articles of the treaty of peace, concluded with his Britannic majesty on the 24th of December,Expenses under the articles of the treaty of Ghent, including, &c. one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, including the compensation of the commissioners, agents, and surveyors, and their contingent expenses, forty thousand dollars.

Agents of claims at Paris and London.For the salaries of the agents for claims on account of spoliations, and for seamen at London and at Paris, four thousand dollars.

Distressed American seamen.For the relief of distressed American seamen in foreign countries, eighty thousand dollars.

For cost of paper, engraving, and printing certificates of registry, and