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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 3.djvu/558

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of the annuities granted to said tribes, in the manner and proportions following:

Wyandots.To the Wyandot tribe, annually, for ever, at Upper Sandusky, four thousand five hundred dollars.

Senecas.To the Seneca tribe, annually, for ever, at Lower Sandusky, one thousand dollars.

Shawanees at Wapaghkonetta.To the Shawnee tribe, annually, for ever, at Wapaghkonetta, two thousand dollars.

Shawanees and Senecas of Lewistown.To the Shawanees and Senecas of Lewistown, annually, for ever, one thousand dollars.

Pattawatimas.To the Pattawatimas, annually, for fifteen years, at Detroit, one thousand three hundred dollars.

Ottawas.To the Ottawas, annually, for fifteen years, at Detroit, one thousand dollars; and the further annual sum of one thousand five hundred dollars forever.

Chippewas.To the Chippewa tribe, annually, for fifteen years, at Detroit, one thousand dollars.

Delawares and Wyandots in 1818.And the sum of three thousand dollars, to be paid in the course of the year eighteen hundred and eighteen, to the Delaware and Wyandot tribes, to wit:

To the Delaware tribe at Wapaghkonetta, five hundred dollars.

To the Wyandot tribe, two thousand five hundred dollars.

For damages assessed by authority of the Secretary of War.For the payment of the amount of damages, assessed by authority of the Secretary of War, in favour of several tribes and individuals of Indians, whose property was injured or destroyed during the late war, fourteen thousand four hundred and eighty dollars thirteen cents; to be paid in the manner following:

To the Wyandots.To the Wyandots, at Upper Sandusky, four thousand three hundred and nineteen dollars thirty-nine cents.

To the Senecas.To the Senecas, at Lower Sandusky, three thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine dollars twenty-four cents.

Indians at Lewis and Scoutash towns.To the Indians at Lewis and Scoutash towns, one thousand two hundred and twenty-seven dollars fifty cents.

To Delawares for Indian losses at Greentown, &c.To the Delawares, for the use of the Indians who suffered losses at Greentown, and at Jeromestown, at Wapaghkonetta, three thousand nine hundred and fity dollars and fifty cents.

Representatives of Hembis.To the representatives of Hembis, a Delaware Indian, at Wapaghkonetta, three hundred and forty-eight dollars and fifty cents.

Additional to the Shawanees.To the Shawanees, an additional sum, at Wapaghkonetta, of four hundred and twenty dollars.

Additional to the Senacas.To the Senecas, an additional sum, at Wapaghkonetta, of two hundred and nineteen dollars.

For carrying into effect the Chickasaw treaty.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose of carrying into effect the treaty between the United States and the Chickasaw nation of Indians, concluded on the nineteenth of October, eighteen hundred and eighteen, the following sum be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, in conformity with the stipulations contained in said treaty: that is to say:

20,000 dolls. annually, for 15 years.To the Chickasaw nation, annually, for fifteen successive years, twenty thousand dollars.

For carrying into effect treaties with the Weas Pattawatimas, Delawares, and Miamis.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose of carrying into effect the treaties concluded at St. Mary’s in the state of Ohio, with the Wea tribe, on the second of October, eighteen hundred and eighteen; the Pattawatima tribe, on the second of October eighteen hundred and eighteen; the Delaware tribe, on the third of October, eighteen hundred and eighteen; and with the Miami tribe, on the sixth of October, eighteen hundred and eighteen; the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, in conformity with the stipulations contained in said treaties; that is to say: