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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 3.djvu/566

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Statute II.

March 3, 1819.

Chap. XCVIII.An Act providing for the correction of errors in making entries of land at the land offices.

Act of May 24, 1824, ch. 138.
Purchasers making entries different from what they intended, may make application to the register of the land office.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in every case of a purchaser of public lands, at private sale, having entered, at the land office, a tract different from that he intended to purchase, and being desirous of having the error in his entry corrected, he shall make his application, for that purpose, to the register of the land office; and if it shall appear, from testimony satisfactory to the register and receiver of public moneys that an error in the entry has been made, and that the same was occasioned by the original incorrect marks made by the surveyor, or by the obliteration, or change, of the original marks and number at corners of the tract of land; or that it has, in any otherwise, arisen from mistake or error of the surveyor, or officers of the land office; the said register and receiver of public moneys, shall report the case, with the testimony, and their opinion thereon, to the Secretary of the Treasury,The Secretary of the Treasury may allow the entries to be withdrawn, and the moneys paid to be applied to other purchases of land. who shall have power to direct, if in his opinion it shall be proper, that the purchaser shall be at liberty to withdraw the entry so erroneously made, and that the moneys which have been paid, shall be applied in the purchase of other lands in the same district, or credited in the payment for other lands which shall have been purchased at the same office.

Approved, March 3, 1819.

Statute II.

March 3, 1819.

Chap. XCIX.An Act concerning invalid pensions.[1]

The Secretary of War to place the persons named, on the pension list, &c.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, directed to place the following named persons on the pension list of invalid pensioners of the United States, who shall be entitled to, and receive, pensions, according to the rates, and commencing at the times, hereinafter mentioned; that is to say:

Benijah Abro, at the rate of four dollars per month, to commence on the eleventh of October, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen.

Robert Craighead, at the rate of four dollars per month, to commence on the thirty-first of January, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen.

Solomon Van Ranssallaer, at the rate of thirty dollars per month, to commence on the thirteenth day of October, in eighteen hundred and twelve, and the sum of two thousand five hundred and eighty dollars, the amount of pension to him at the rate of twenty dollars per month, commencing on the thirtieth of January, one thousand eight hundred and two, and ending on the thirteenth of October, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, in consequence of wounds received while serving as a captain of dragoons under General Wayne, in a battle with the Indians, on the twentieth of August, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four.

Thomas Bailey, at the rate of eight dollars per month, to commence on the ninth December, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen.

Benjamin Pincin, at the rate of eight dollars per month, to commence on the seventeenth of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen.

Caleb J. Whaley, at the rate of six dollars and fifty cents per month, to commence on the thirtieth of December, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen.

William Earnest, whose father died of wounds received in battle during the late war, to be applied, under the direction of the Secretary for

  1. This act is inserted, as sec. 2 and 3 are of a public character.