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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 3.djvu/630

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from the corporation; and the said interest shall alike be subject to the order of the original proprietor or proprietors, as the residue of the purchase money as aforesaid:Proviso.
A year allowed to minors and mortgagees and other with equitable interest to redeem.
Provided, also, That no sale shall be made, in pursuance of this section, of any improved property whereon there is personal property of sufficient value to pay the said taxes: and that minors, mortgagees, or others having equitable interest in real property, which property shall be sold for taxes as aforesaid, shall be allowed one year after such minors’ coming to, or being of full age, or after such mortgagees, and others having equitable interests, obtaining possession of, or a decree for the sale of, such property, or redeem the property so sold from the purchaser or purchasers, his, her, or their, assigns, on paying the amount of purchase money so paid therefor, with ten per cent. interest thereon as aforesaid, and all the taxes that have been paid thereon by the purchaser, or his assigns, between the day of sale and the period of such redemption, with ten per cent. interest on the amount of such taxes, and also the full value of the improvements which may have been made or erected on such property, by the purchaser, or his assigns, while the same was in his or their possession. And provided, moreover,Proviso. That where the estate of the tenant in default, as for years, or for life or lives, shall be sufficient to defray the taxes chargeable thereupon, such estate only shall be liable to be sold under the provisions of this act.

The collector may postpone sale for want of bidders, &c.Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the collector or other officer (duly authorized) to postpone, after such advertisement, the sale of any property advertised according to the provisions of the foregoing section, to any future day, for the want of bidders, he giving public notice of such postponement, and the same made at such postponed time shall be equally valid as if made on the day stated in the advertisement.

Collector may proceed by distress and sale, on ten days’ notice, &c.
Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That the person or persons appointed to collect any tax imposed by virtue of the powers granted by this act, shall have authority to collect the same by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the person chargeable therewith; but no such sale shall be made unless ten days’ previous notice thereof be given in some newspaper printed in the city of Washington. And the provisions of the acts of Assembly of Maryland, not in force within the county of Washington, relating to the right of replevying personal property taken in execution for public taxes, shall apply to all cases of personal property taken by distress to satisfy taxes imposed by virtue of this act.

Levy court of Washington county.
Expenditures by levy court, to which the corporation must contribute.
Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That the levy court of the county of Washington, in the District of Columbia, shall not possess the power of assessing any tax on property in the city of Washington; nor shall the corporation of the said city be obliged to contribute, in any manner, towards the expenses or expenditures of said court, except for the one-half part of the expenses incurred on account of the orphans’ court, the office of coroner, the jail of said county, and the opening and repairing of roads in the county of Washington, east of Rock creek, leading directly to the city of Washington, but the said corporation shall have the sole control and management of the bridge across or over Rock creek, at the termination of K street north; and shall be chargeable with the expense of keeping the same in repair, and rebuilding it when necessary.

The clerk of the circuit court and register of wills to furnish the city register with lists of the transfers of real property semi-annually.Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That the clerk of the circuit court, and the register of wills for the county of Washington, respectively, shall furnish the register of the city, or other officer of the corporation, appointed to receive the same, on or about the first Monday in January and July, in every year, correct lists of the transfers of real property in the city, during the next preceding half year, so far as can be ascertained by the records in their respective offices; and the said corpo-