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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 3.djvu/672

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Governor, &c. of Michigan.For compensation to the governor, judges, and secretary, of the Michigan territory, six thousand six hundred dollars.

Contingent expenses.For the contingent expenses of said territory, three hundred and fifty dollars.

Judges of the United States.For compensation to the chief justice, the associate judges, and district judges, of the United States, including the chief justice and associate judges of the district of Columbia, seventy-eight thousand two hundred dollars.

Attorney general.For compensation to the attorney general of the United States, three thousand five hundred dollars.

1818, ch. 87.
For compensation to the clerk in the office of the attorney general, per act of twentieth April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, eight hundred dollars.

Contingent expenses.For contingent expenses of said office, including compensation to the messenger, five hundred dollars.

Reporter of decisions of Supreme court.For compensation to the reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court, one thousand dollars.

District attorneys and marshals.For compensation to sundry district attorneys and marshals, as granted by law, including those in the several territories, eight thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars.

Sundry pensions.For the payment of sundry pensions, granted by the late and present governments, one thousand five hundred and ninety dollars.

Disabled seamen.For making good a deficiency in the fund for the relief and protection of sick and disabled seamen, fifty thousand dollars.

Lighthouses.For the support of lighthouses, and other establishments for the protection of navigation, one hundred and two thousand three hundred and forty-one dollars and twenty-eight cents.

Surveying public lands.For surveying the public lands of the United States, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

Clerks in the office of superintendent of Indian trade.For additional compensation allowed by the act of twentieth April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, to the clerks in the office of the superintendent general of Indian trade, four hundred and fifty dollars.

Bringing votes, &c.For bringing the votes of President and Vice President, three thousand one hundred and ninety-five dollars and fifty cents.

Ships’ registers.For expenses of ships’ registers, three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars.

Miscellaneous claims.For the discharge of such miscellaneous claims against the United States, not otherwise provided for, as shall be admitted in due course of settlement at the treasury, six thousand dollars.

Salaries of ministers of the United States in foreign places.For the salaries of the ministers of the United States to London, Paris, St. Petersburg, and Madrid, with the salaries of their several secretaries of legation, and the salaries of the charge d’affaires at the Hague, Rio Janeiro, and at Stockholm, fifty-seven thousand five hundred dollars.

Outfit for minister at Paris.For an outfit to a minister at Paris, nine thousand dollars.

Contingencies of foreign missions.For the contingent expenses of those missions, ten thousand dollars.

Foreign intercourse.For the contingent expense of foreign intercourse, thirty thousand dollars.

Barbary powers.For the expenses of intercourse with the Barbary powers, forty-two thousand dollars.

Agents for claims and seamen.For salaries of the agents for claims on account of spoliations and for seamen, at London and Paris, four thousand dollars.

Relief of seamen.For the relief and protection of American seamen in foreign countries, forty thousand dollars.

Opening a road in the Indian country.For opening, under the direction of the Secretary of War, within the Indian country, a road from a point at or near Turner Brashears’ stand, on the old Natchez road, to a point at or near Columbus, on the military road, the sum of five thousand dollars, which, by an act of the twenty-seventh of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, was appro-