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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 3.djvu/675

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Provisions.For provisions, three hundred and thirty-seven thousand eight hundred and thirty-one dollars.

Medicines.For medicines, hospital stores, and all expenses on account of the sick, thirty-two thousand dollars.

Repairs of vessels.For repairs of vessels, three hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars.

Navy yards, &c.For improvement of navy yards, docks, and wharves, pay of superintendents, storekeepers, clerks, and labourers, twenty-five thousand dollars.

Ordnance, &c.For ordnance and ordnance stores, twenty-five thousand dollars.

Contingent expenses.For contingent expenses, two hundred thousand dollars.

Marine corps.For pay and subsistence of the marine corps, one hundred and sixty-nine thousand three hundred and ninety-three dollars.

For clothing the same, thirty thousand six hundred and eighty-six dollars and thirty-one cents.

For fuel for the same, six thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven dollars and fifty cents.

For contingent expenses of the same, fourteen thousand dollars.

Equipment of small vessels of war.For completing the equipment of the vessels constructed in pursuance of the act authorizing the building of a certain number of small vessels of war, ten thousand dollars.

Removing obstructions in river Thames.For the purpose of enabling the Secretary of the navy to remove obstructions places in the river Thames, in Connecticut, by the commander of the American ships, during the late war, one hundred and fifty dollars.

Out of moneys in the treasury.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the several appropriations hereinbefore made, shall be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.

Approved, March 3, 1821.

Statute II.

March 3, 1821.

Chap. XXXVII.An Act making appropriations for the public buildings.

Sums appropriated, for—Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, for continuing the work on the centre building of the capitol, and other improvements on the public buildings, the following sums of money be, and hereby are, appropriated:

Centre building.For continuing the work on the centre building, the sum of eighty thousand dollars.

President’s house.For covering the roof of the President’s house with copper, seven thousand eight hundred and forty-five thousand dollars.

Ground round the Capitol.For graduating and improving the ground around the Capitol, two thousand dollars.

Senate chamber, hall, and library.For improvements in the Senate chamber, and in the hall of the House of Representatives, and in the library, seven hundred dollars.

Unexpended balance to the centre building.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the unexpended balances of appropriations to other public buildings, are hereby appropriated to the centre building.

Out of moneys in the treasury.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said several sums of money be paid out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.

Approved, March 3, 1821.

Statute II.

March 3, 1821.

Chap. XXXVIII.An Act to authorize the President of the United States to borrow a sum not exceeding five millions of dollars.

The President empowered to borrow not more than 5,000,000 dollars at not exceeding five per centum.
Reimbursable after 1st Jan., 1835.
Stock transferable.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby, empowered to borrow, on the credit of the United States, a sum not exceeding five millions of dollars, at a