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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 3.djvu/820

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were, stamped, counter stamped, or marked, as by said law required; any thing in any act to the contrary notwithstanding.

Act to continue in force for one year.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this act shall be, and continue, in force for the term of one year from the passage thereof, and no longer.

Approved, March 3, 1823.

Statute ⅠⅠ.

March 3, 1823.

Chap. LVI.An Act to authorize the building of lighthouses, light vessels, and beacons, therein mentioned, and for other purposes.

Secretary of the Treasury empowered to contract for building lighthouses, &c. on certain sites and shoals.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he hereby is, empowered to provide by contract, for building lighthouses, and light vessels, erecting beacons, and placing buoys, on the following sites or shoals, to wit: A lighthouse on Baker’s Island, near Mount Desert, in the state of Maine; one on Monamoy Point, in the state of Massachusetts; a lighthouse on Goat Island, in the state of Rhode Island; a light vessel, not to be under two hundred and fifty tons, on Cape Hatteras, in North Carolina; a lighthouse on Cape Romain, in the state of South Carolina; a lighthouse at or near the entrance of the harbour of Pensacola, for that part of the territory known as West Florida; a light-house near Fort Gratiot, in Michigan territory; a beacon on Hadrell’s Point, in the state of South Carolina; two light vessels to be placed in the Bay of Delaware, the one at or near the Brandywine Shoal, and the other at or near the shoal called the Upper Middle; and also, to agree for the salaries, wages, or hire, of the persons to be appointed by the President of the United States, for the superintendence of the same:Proviso. Provided, That no moneys shall be expended in erecting such lighthouses, until the jurisdiction to such portions of land as the President of the United States shall select as the sites of the same, respectively, shall be ceded to, and the property thereof vested in, the United States.

Appropriations.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That there be appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the following sums of money, to wit: For building the lighthouse on Baker’s Island, two thousand five hundred dollars; for one on Monamoy Point, three thousand dollars; for one on Goat island, two thousand five hundred dollars; for an additional sum to complete the light vessel authorized to be built, by an act, entitled1822, ch. 119.An act to authorize the building lighthouses therein mentioned, and for other purposes,” passed the seventh day of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two, for the state of New York, five thousand dollars; for an additional sum to complete the lighthouse on Oldfield Point, in the same state, one thousand five hundred dollars; for an additional sum to complete a tower for the light on Fort Niagara, in the same state, one thousand five hundred dollars; for placing a lantern at Fort Delaware, in the river Delaware, one thousand five hundred dollars; for completing the lighthouse on Cape May, in the state of New Jersey, a sum not exceeding five thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; for placing a light vessel at or near Cape Hatteras shoals, a sum not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars; for building a lighthouse on Cape Romain, ten thousand dollars; for erecting a beacon on Hadrell’s Point, one thousand five hundred dollars; for finishing the lighthouse near St. Augustine, in the territory of East Florida, the sum of five thousand dollars; for building a lighthouse at or near Pensacola, a sum not exceeding six thousand dollars; for building a lighthouse at Fort Gratiot, three thousand five hundred dollars, and for building and placing two light vessels in Delaware Bay, twenty thousand dollars.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United