FIl·`TY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 419. 1899. 1019 SEc._15. That the Director of the Census may authorize and direct I¤°¤¤·¤>*•=¤· supervisors of census employ interpreters to assist the enumerators of their respective district in the enumeration `of persons not speaking the English language. The compensation of such interpreters shall be fixed by the Director of the Census in advance, and shall not exceed four dollars per day for each day actually and necessarily employed. Sec. 16. That the compensation of the enumerators shall be ascer- compensation of tained and fixed by-the Director of the Census as follows: In subdi· °““"‘°"““’"· visions where he shall deem such allowance sufficient, an allowance of not less than two nor more than three cents for each living inhabitant and for each death reported; not less than fifteen nor more than twenty cents for each farm; and not less than twenty nor more than thirty cents for each establishment of productive industry enumerated and returned may be given in full compensation for all services. For all other subdivisions per diem rates shall be fixed by the Director of the Census according to the difliculty of enumeration, having reference to the nature of the region to be canvassed and the density or sparseness of settlement, or other considerations pertinent thereto; but the compensation allowed to any enumerator in any such district shall not be less than three dollars nor more than six dollars per day of ten hours’ actual field work each. The subdivisions to which the several rates of S¤l>•li**¤i<>¤¤ compensation shall apply shall be designated by the Director of the Census at least two weeks in advance of the enumeration. No claim for mileage or traveling expenses shall be allowed any enumerator in either class of subdivisions, except in extreme cases, and then only when authority has been previously granted by the Director of the Census, and the decision of the Director as to the amount due any enumerator shall be final. Sec. 17. That the special agents appointed under the provisions of sppenu agi-mus; suthis Act shall have equal authority with the enumerators in respect to E'§,§'§,,’{,§,f;5,,0¤_ the subjects committed to them under this Act, and shall receive compensation ·at rates to be fixed by the Director of the Census: Provided, P¢·<»q¢¤¤¤- That the same shall in no case exceed six dollars per day and actual "mx""'""' necessary traveling expenses and an allowance in lieu of subsistence · not exceeding three dollars per day during their necessary absence from their usual place of residence: And provided further, That no pay ;;<>_ pw in `licu or or allowance in lieu of subsistence shall be allowed special agents when i..g€.}Z_Z'€§Y’ “"" employed in the Census Office on other than the special work committed to them, and no appointments of special agents shall be made for clerical work. - Sec. 18. That no supervisor, supervisors clerk, enumerator, inter- °··¤l¤- preter, or special agent shall enter upon his duties until he has taken and subscribed to an oath or affirmation, to be prescribed by the llirector of the Census; and no supervisor, supervisors clerk, enumerator, or special agent shall be accompanied by or assisted in the performance of his duties by any person not duly appointed as an officer or employee of the Census Office, and to whom an opth oi; aflirmatioudhasfnot been dul administered. All appointees am cmp oyees provide or in this Em 10 ¤¤‘¤ np- Act?} shall be appointed or employed, and if examined, so examined, as },’}?'},‘{,'§{,i;Z,‘Yl°ibv’h°°°“" the case may be, solely with reference to their fitness to perform the . duties herein provided to be by such employee or appointee performed, and without reference to their political party afiiliations. smc. 19. That the enumeration of the population required by this vDute of mumm- Act shall commence on the first day of June, nineteen hundred, and on "°"· the first day of June of the year in which each succeeding enumeration ‘ shall be made, and he taken as of that date. And it shall be the duty compisuou. of each enumerntor to complete the enumeration of his district and to prepare the returns hereiubefore required to be made, and to forward the same to the supervisor of census of his district, on or before the first day of July in such year: Provided, That in any city having eight rtgroqpo. m 8000 thousand inhabitants or more under the preceding census the ennrner. ;,{’m,§Q,‘§§,f’,,,,,_ * ation of the population shall be taken and completed within two weeks from the first day ot'June as aforesaid.