FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. SEss. III. Ch. 421. 1899. 1043 and fifty cents; and no law shall be construed to entitle marines on dM¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤ shore shore duty to any rations or commutation therefor other than such as my` now are or may hereafter be allowed to enlisted men in the Army. CLOTHING, MARINE CORPS: For three thousand and seventy-four ¤1¤¢1¤i¤s- noncommissioned officers, musicians, and privates, two hundred and ninety thousand one hundred and ninety-nine dollars and nfty-four cents. FUEL, MARINE CORPs: For heating barracks and quarters, for ranges F¤¤1· and stoves for cooking, fuel for enlisted men, for sales to officers, maintlaiaing electric lights, and for hot-air closets, twenty-ive thousand o ars. MILITARY sronns, MARINE Cours: For pay of chief armorer, at Kiliterv ¤¤¤¤¤- three dollars per day; three mechanics, at two dollars and fifty cents each per day; for purchase of military equipments, such as rifles, revolvers, cartridge boxes, bayonet scabbards, haversacks, blanket bags, knapsacks, canteens, musket slings, swords, drums, trumpets, Bags, waist belts, waist plates, cartridge belts, sashes for officer of the day, spare parts thr repairing muskets, purchase of ammunition, and purchase and repair of tents andneld ovens, purchase and repair of instruments for band, purchase of music and musical accessories, medals for excellence in gunnery and rifle practice, good-conduct badges, incidental expenses in connection with the school of application, signal equipment and stores, binocular glasses, for the establishment and maintenance of targets and ranges, for hiring established ranges, and for procurin g, preserving, and handling ammunition, forty-six thousand two hundred and ninety-seven dollars.` Tnxnsroazryrron nm REcRu1cr1Ne, MARINE Cours: For trans- nfrgigggerwtion ¤¤<1 portation of troops, including -ferriage, and the expense of recruiting g` service, twenty-five thousand dollars. Fon nnrsms or amnacxs, MARINE Cours: At Portsmouth, New Rmir ¤f ¤·¤r¤¤¤¤- Hampshire; Boston, Massachusetts; Newport, Rhode Island; Brooklyn, New York; League island, Pennsylvania; Annapolis,_Maryland ; headquarters and navy-yard, District of Columbia;_Norfolk, Virginia; Port Royal, South Carolina; Pensacola, Florida; Mare Island, California; Bremerton, Washington; and Sitka, Alaska; and at such other place or places as the exigency of the service requires the renting, leasing, or erection of barracks; and per diem for enlisted men employed under the direction of the Quartermastefs Department on the repair of barracks and other public buildings, thirteen thousand dollars. For rent of building used for manufacture of clothing, storing sup- m§;g_1¤£i_bwM¤:. plies, and office of assistant quartermaster. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, P ' three thousand three hundred dollars. ' Erection and completion of a building for marine barracks, Annapo- mB¤rr¤¢l¤¤- A¤¤·1>•> lis, Maryland, fifty thousand dollars. ` Erection and completion of commanding officer’s quarters, Annapolis, Maryland, nine thousand dollars. Erection and completion of two sets of otTlcers’ quarters, Annapolis, Maryland, fourteen thousand dollars. _ Clearing and grading, laying sewers, water pipes, and pavements, erecting fences and iiagstail, and otherwise improving site for marine barracks and officers’ quarters, and building a bridge to connect same with Naval Academy inclosure, Annapolis, Maryland, eight thousand _ ollars. d Fogicn, IIARINE Cours: For forage in kind for five horses of the romp. quartermastefs department, and the authorized number of officers’ horses, six thousand dollars. _ · H {R1; OF QUARTERS, MARINE GORP8i FOP hlrc of quarters for officers Hirevf quertmserving with troops where there are no public quarters belongingto the Government, and where there are not sufficient quarters posscssediby the United States to accommodate them, nine thousand dollars; for hire of quarters for eleven enlisted men_employed as clerks and messengers in commandant’s, adjutant and inspector’s, paymastcfs, and