FIFTY—FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. L23. 1899. 1073 stores and issuing arms and other ordnance supplies; of police and office duties; of rents, tolls, fuel, and light; of stationery and office furniture; of tools and instruments for use; incidental expenses of the ordnance service and those attending practical trials and tests of ordnance, small arms, and other ordnance supplies, including payment for mechanical labor in the onice ot the Chief of Ordnance, two hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars. OBDNANGE, ORDNANGE Sromizs, ANDISUPPLES: For manufacture Ammunition for of metallic ammunition for small arms and ammunition for reloading °'““u“"““‘ cartridges, including the cost of targets and material for target practice, ammunition for burials at the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers and its several branches, including National Soldiers! Home in Washington, District of Columbia, and marksmen’s medals and insignia for all arms of the service, including machinery, tools, and fixtures for their manufacture at the arsenals, five hundred thousand dollars: Provided, The Chief of Ordnance is authorized to issue uch MM- obsolete or condemned ordnance, gun carriages and ordnance stores, ,,,£$,_f,§’c,{’€’.,§°r`Z,f,{',},f,,$,{. as may be needed for ornamental purposes, to the Homes for Disabled S°m*°¤¤’ H°¤¤·>· Volunteer Soldiers, the Homes to pay for transportation and such other expenses as are necessary. The Secretary of War is hereby authorized to deliver to the order of 'rliiitytliir-l an- Louis Wagner, chairman of the general committee of the Thirty-third f,'}',,§’$’},$,{},f,I,(§,f,Q‘,,'},§*L National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, to be held d Delzery ¤>. of ¤¤¤— at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September next, two dismounted cou- tf:}-Lai. °m°° °°` demned cannon, used in the late civil war, to be used for the purpose of furnishing memorial badges commemorative of the holding of such encampment at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Provided, That no expen e P.-mm. shall be caused to the United States through the delivery of said U§f,‘gd°S{_}},§sf‘*° ‘° condemned cannon. For repairing and preserving ordnance and ordnance stores in the Repairing and prehands of troops and for issue at the arsenals and depots, thirty “°""‘g ”“"'°“·"*"· thousand dollars. For purchase and manufacture of ordnance stores to flllrequisitions _Purehases for requiof troops, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. *“*‘°"'· Infantry, cavalry, and artillery equipments, including horse equip- Hqnipmnnu. ments for cavalry and artillery, including machinery, tools, and fixtures for their manufacture at the arsenals, three hundred and seventy thousand dollars. . For overhauling, cleaning, and preserving new ordnance on hand at Preserving. ¤r¤..¤¤l- the arsenals and depots, Kitty thousand dollars. ”“"°°' For tiring the morning and evening gun at military posts prescribed i Morning anu mnby General Orders, Numbered Seventy, Headquarters of the Army, "”‘“'· dated July twenty-third, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and at National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers and its several Branches, including National Soldiers’ Home in Washington, District of Columbia, including material for cartridges, bags, and so thrth, twenty-tive thousand dollars. For targets for artillery practice and implements for mechanical Artillery mgm. maneuvers, ten thousand dollars. Manufacture, repairing, p1‘0Cl1i'i¤g, and iSSl1i¤g arms at the national Msnilfnctnringnrnis. armories, including machinery, t001E, and fixtures ior their manufae- °°°‘ . ture; Provided, That on application of the governor of any State or gem; mums Territory the Secretary of War is authorized to replace the ordnance m.,i)·» satin usqiii and ordnance stores which the volunteers from said State or Territory j;;f¤*°°¤· $1****** carried into the service of the United States Army during the recent war with Spain, and which have been retained by the United States, eight hundred thousand dollars. For the purchase of m30lliDGI'y, tools, HXEUIBS, and for the installation {Mk Island Ar¤•· of plant, for the manufacture of small arms at the armory shops, Rock “"" Island Arsenal, available until expended, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. _ That all enlisted men in the Regular Army who enlisted subsequent mgrirsgmlsppyg: to the declaration of war for the war only and mustered out of the region Army sor service who have served honestly and faithfully beyond the limits of Sl··¤*·¤ W- v0L xxx--68