1092 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. SEss. III. Ch. 424. 1899. ` manila paper, thin muslin, bcnzine, gutta-percha belting, and other necessary articles and expenses, one thousand dollars. E¤r¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤·l EXPENSES OF NATIONAL GUERENGY: For distinctive paper, express °°"°°°y’ charges, and other expenses, fifteen thousand dollars. C*¤°°“’*¢·°“’· CANCELING UNITED STATES SECURITIES AILD 0UTTfiNGhDIsT1Nc- TIVE PABEE: For extra knives for cutting mac ines an s arpeninc _ same; and leather belting, new dies and punches, repairs to machinery: oil, cotton waste, and other necessary expenses connected with the cancellation of redeemed United States securities, two hundred dollars. cmmy nr am, CUSTODY or DIES, ROLLS, AND 1>LATEs: For pay of custodian of "°u’ '“‘° Pm'"` dies, rolls, and plates used at the Bureau of Engraving and Printingfor the printing of Government securities, namely: One custodian, two thousand four hundred dollars; two subcustddians, at one thousand six hundred dollars each- three distributors o stock at one thousan two hundred dollars eacli; in all, nine thousand two, hundred dollars. }’;*;:¤g;¤_=g§)¤j,;_ns PAY OF-ASSISTANIT oUsToD1ANs_ AND JAN1Tons: ·For_pay of assist- Maguire". ant custodians and yanitors, including all personal services in connection with the care of all public buildings under control of the Treasury P . . Department outside of the District ofColumb1a, mne hundred and fifty gilpgisand dotllars; and th; Secretaryhof the Treasury shall so apportion sum as proven a e ciency erein. I"P°°"”'· For one general inspector under the direction of the Secretary of the Treas ry t be appoi ted b, *he P s'd th and with the dvicea d u o n y t re 1 en y a n consent df the Senate, three thousand dollars; and for actual necessary expenses, not exceeding two thousand dollars; in all, five thousand dollars. mf_:·P°°*°’ °* *°’¤i· INs1>EoTOE on FURNITURE AND 0T1—IE1z. FURNISHINGS 1*01: PUBLIC ' BUILDINGS: To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to employ a suitable person to inspect all public buildings and examine into their requirements for furniture and other furnishings, including fuel, lights, personal services, and other current expenses, two thousand five hundred dollars; and for actual necessary expenses, not exceeding two _¤r¤ rv ¤¤ r¤· um: or urm ure an re- - M .· “‘£·'t3Té?T‘$‘£‘€‘i.§;“§E;£‘}§é"%%“?€3N‘1l$ "““‘¥°‘* ¥°‘“*?" d ’°"°’ pairs of same and carpets for all public buildings, marine hospitals included under the control of the Treasury Department and for furniture, carpets, chandeliers, and gas fixtures for new buildings, exclusive of (personal services, except for work done by contract, two hundred an twenty-five thousand five hundred dollars. And all furniture now owned by the United States in other buildings shall be used, as far as prapticable, whether it corresponds with the present regulation plan for urniture or not. __,};?;}- "g"”~ **“" FUEL, Lmnrs, AND XVATER Fon. rrmmc BUILDINGS: For fuel, steam heat, lights, and water, electric current for light and power purposes, electric—light plants, including repairs thereto, in such buildings as may be designated by the Secretary of the Treasury, electriclight wiring, and miscellaneous items required for the use of the assistant custodians, janitors, ’firemen, or engineers, in the proper care of the buildings, furniture, and heating apparatus, exclusive of personal services, 1br all public buildings, marine hospitals included, under the control of the Treasury Department, inclusive of new buildings, eight hundred and Gm forty thousand dollars. And the appropriation herein made for gas in any of the public buildings in the District of Columbia, under the control of the Treasury Department, shall include the rental or use of any gas governor, gas purifier, or other device for reducing the expenses of I gas, when first approvedby the Secretaryof the Treasury and ordered g;;¤é;;;€mm_. ply mms? Ewrittngglz Promded, That Ing sdm shaldlbe paid fox; sndll: rend:] c s governor, gas Pl er or evice grea er an e one-half part of the amount of ·money acttially saved thereby. Pneumatic tul><·»· OPERATION OF PNEUMATIC TUBES: FOP supplying necessary p0W0!', and repairs to power plants, for operating pneumatic tubes for the transmission of mail matter, courthouse and postoflice buildings, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, New York City and Brooklyn, New York,