1118 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. Ill. Ch. 424. 1899. offices created, offices the salaries of which have been omitted, increased, or reduced, indefinite appropriations, and contracts authorized, together with a_chronological history of the regular appropriation bills passed during the third session of the Fiity-fifth Congress, as required by the Act approved October nineteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, two thousand dollars, to be paid to the persons designated by the chairmen of said committees to do said work. Bovwiv G¤¤1¤¤- BOTANIG GARDEN: For reconstructing roofs of plant houses numbered six and nine with iron sills and rafters and apertures, and for replacing roof of rotunda of main conservatory, and for new copper gutters for same; and for painting, glazing, and general repairs to C buildings and foot walks, under the direction of the Joint Committee on the Library, six thousand dollars. _I¤¤¤•¤·i·1 ¤¤¤=¤i»+ INDUSTRIAL Commission: That the limit of expenditure provided mglha, p. 416. in section tour of the Act authorizing the appointment of a nonpartisan mE¤;¤li;r°<;f3e,§*P°¤“i· commission to collate information and to consider and recommend legis- ' lation to meet the problems presented by labor, agriculture, and capital, approved June eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, is hereby increased from fifty thousand dollars per annum to seventy-five thou- _1;$¤¤¤¤¤ <1¤¤zr¤s· sand dollars per annum; and each member of said commission who is "° '“°'"°°”‘ · a Senator or member of the House of Representatives shall be allowed traveling expenses incurred in coming to or returning from any and all meetings of said commission, whether regular or called, when Congress is not in session, and said Senators and members of the House of Representatives shall also, when attending such meetings during a recess of Congress, be allowed hotel and other necessary expenses, and all such expenses heretofore incurred by the members of said commission shall be paid by the Treasury on presentation of the usual vouchers therefor; memes tous, am said commission is hereby authorized to expend from said appro- •*¤- priation for the purchase of reference books and periodicals an amount —<1i·p<>¤i¤<>¤ <>f- not to exceed one thousand five hundred dollars; and on the termination of said commission all such books and periodicals shall be delivered by · the commission to the Librarian of Congress and become a part of the Library of Congress. · S¤¤¤¤¤- , sniurn. g:¤>$;:%{f)°*¤ll· Forpaymeut to James S. Morrill, onlychild of the Honorable Justin S. y'Morrill, late a Senator of the United States from the State of Vermont, _ five thousand dollars, to be immediately available. ·j,gg;g:‘t:°°"”b*¤· To enable the Secretary of the Senate to pay Annie E. Maccubbin, ’widow of William M. Maccubbin, who was kil ed while in the discharge of his duties as a painter in the Capitol, October twentieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, one thousand five hundred dollars, to be immediately available. §:b¤jnf£'°°*°’· To pay Robert G. Proctor, for compiling and indexing *‘Tariif acts rthllp. mo. passed by the Congress of the United States from seventeen hundred and eighty-nine to eighteen hundred and ninety~seven,” as authorized and directed by concurrent resolution which passed the House May sixteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and the Senate May twenty- third, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, two hundred and fifty dollars, _ to be immediately available. ` ,‘§;;:;':£fjj‘*¤’· That the Secretary of the Senate be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to pay to Graham Glass, junior, for services rendered as clerk to the Honorable Joseph Simon, a Senator from the State of Oregon, from the eighth dav of October to the fourth day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, from the appropriation for salaries of officers, clerks, messengers, and other employees in the service of the Senate, for the current iiscal year. g¤¤¤¤¤W-J°b¤¤°¤· To enable the Secretary of the Senate to pay Charles W. Johnson nyment to. . . . , . _ for preparing and indexing precedents and decisions on points of order and phraseologyin the United States Senate and House of Representatives, three thousand dollars.