FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CH;. 425. 1899. 1 139 lmprovin g Sarasota Bay, Florida: Continuing improvement, live S¤*=¤°°¤ B¤v·Fl¤- thousand dollars. Improving Indian River, Florida: By dredging channel at Negro Cut I¤·¤¤¤ Rim. F1¤- near Indian River Inlet, five thousand dollars; and the unexpended balance of the amount heretofore appropriated maybe expended in the construction of training wall or piling for the protection of the 4 dredged channel. Improving Upper Chipola River, Florida, in accordance with the Urr¤r¤1¤ir<»1¤· Rivproject submitted, five thousand dollars. °"m“‘ Improving Anclote River, Florida, in accordance with the project Anolon moor. mo. submitted, five thousand dollars. Improving Black Water River, Florida, from Milton to its mouth, in meek Wmr Rim accordance with the project submitted, five thousand dollars. Fm' Improving Holmes River, Florida, from Yernon to its mouth: So H°l¤°¤ Ri*¤¤·F¤¤· much of the unexpended balance as is necessary in the opinion of the Secretary of War is hereby reappropriated for maintenance in accordance with the existing project. ` Improving Saint Johns River, Orange Mills Flats, Florida, in accord- sr. Johns mm,r1•. ance with the approved project, forty thousand dollars. The sum of thirty-ilve thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may i D¤>¤s¤» ¤w-.F1¤r1¤» be necessary, is hereby appropriated, to be expended, in the discretion '"P”°v°°°”°“ of the Secretary of War, in the purchase or construction of a suitable dredge, with snagging outfit, to be used in connection with the several works of river and harbor improvement on the coast of Florida and the waters tributary thereto. The sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may §¤¤¤h¤<> rpmove the be necessary, is hereby appropriated, to be expended under the direc- V"` °” ’°°'““" tion of the Secretary of War, for the construction of a boat suitable tor operating on the navigable streams of the State of Florida, in removing therefrom the aquatic plant known as the water hyacinth, so far as it is an obstruction and hindrance to interstate or foreign com- .oxps¤.s.,m. merce; also, one thousand dollars for log booms to be used as adjuncts to such steamer, and ten thousand dollars for conducting the necessary operations, making thirty-six thousand dollars in all, according to the estimate and recommendation of the War Department as found in House Document Number N inety-one, Fifty-fifth Congress, third session. Improving Alabama River, Alabama: Continuing improvement, fifty Akbwu Riv¤r.A1•- thousand dollars. Improving Black Warrior River, Alabama, from Tuscaloosa to Dan- rlihck W¤¤i¤r Riviels Creek: Continuing improvement, fifty thousand dollars: Provided, ° 3-»o:§•o. That a contract or contracts maybe entered into by the Secretary of °<·¤¤*¤¤*¤· War for such materials and work as may be necessary to construct Lock and Dam Numbered Four, above Tuscaloosa, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate one hundred and forty thousand five hundred dollars, exclusive of the amount herein and heretofore appropriated. Improving Warrior and Tombigbee rivers, Alabama: Continuing b_*§’¤rrj;>; ·¤¤1lT<>¤¤ improvement of Warrior River, two hundred and twenty thousand `g ’°° °"‘ “‘ dollars: Provided, That a contract or contracts may be entered into by rroouo. the Secretary of War for such materials and work as may be necessary °°“"`°"‘·"· to construct three locks and dams next below Tuscaloosa. to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate four hundred and forty thousand dollars, exclusive of the amount herein and heretofore appropriated. improving Tombigbee River f1‘0m FHIIGOD to U0ll1mbus: Continuing Tvmbigbecrivcr. improvement and for maintenance, five thousand dollars. Improving Tombigbee River from Demopolis, Alabama, to Columbus, Mississippi: Continuing improvement, ten thousand dollars. Improving Tombigbee River from Walkers Bridge to Fulton: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, one thousand dollars. Improving Tombigbee River, Alabama, from mouth to Demopolis: