1146 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 425. 1899. m"{:f:']Tr•“L•*•“d For making a survey of Otter Tail Lake and Otter Tail River, ’ Minnesota, with a view to the construction of a dam at the outlet of said lake, for the purpose of improving the navigation on the Red River of the North, Minnesota, and estimating the cost of said improvement, three thousand dollars. nfs §_*L·· I··l=&2¤··i For making a further survey of Big Stone Lake and Lake Traverse, anhu;"' m"' Minnesota and South Dakota, with a view to construct reservoirs therein for the improvement of the navigation of the Minnesota River, and an estimate of the cost of such improvements, five thousand dollars. W¤b•¤h1¤v¤r.1¤·¤- Improving Wabash River, Indiana and Illinois, above Vincennes: '"dm Completing improvement, four thousand dollars. Improving Wabash River, Indiana and Illinois, below Vincennes: Continuing improvement, fifteen thousand dollars. C~¤1¤m•»¤Riv¤r. 111- Improving Calumet River, Illinois: Continuing improvement, sixty rms". _ thousand dollars: Provided, That the expenditure of said money shall mff{f““°“°"“"°"°‘ be made upon said river from the mouth thereof to the forks in said river. — I11inoi¤Biv¤r.11L Improving Illinois River, Illinois: Continuing improvement, one hundred thousand dollars. · m1}1i¤¤i¤_v;;•hD¤¤ Illinois River and Des Plaines River, Illinois: The Secretary of War sgdziiilsumyam. is directed to appoint a board of three engineers, which board shall make a survey and estimates of cost for the improvement of the Upper Illinois River and Lower Des Plaines River, in Illinois, with a view to the extension of navigation from the Illinois River to Lake Michigan at or near Chicago; said board of engineers shall report the estimates of cost for a channel seven feet deep, and also for a channel eight feet deep, throughout said proposed route; said survey and estimates of x cost shall be made in pursuance of and according to the recommendations in report of January twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and nmety-seven, and there is hereby appropriated for the expenses of said board and such survey the sum of thirty thousand dollars, or so much _ _ thereof as may be nece sary.
§';;;d Reservoirs at the headwaters of the Mississippi River: Continuing
um-s. _ improvement, two hundred and ten thousand dollars. The funds herein ,,ji‘°“°"l“"°'°’“'· appropriated, and the unexpended balance of former appropriations for this work, shall be expended for the necessary renewal and repair of the reservoirs that have already been completed, and for the purchase of the lands, or easements therein, which are necessarily subject to overflow by reason of the legitimate operation of the said completed Q-of sown reservoirs: Provided, That so much of said funds as may be required una einem, wi". may, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be expended in making
- j_g,;;j*gjj; °°°·· full and accurate surveys of the flowage lines of Winnibigoshish,
' Leech Lake, Pokegama Falls, and Pine River reservoirs, and in per- ,,f'°°‘*°·S‘“"L“""· manently marking such lines on the ground; also in making a survey and investigation to determine the causes of, and the means of preventing, the excessive iloods on the river between the Government dam at Sandy Lake and Brainerd, Minnesota, and the effect thereof on the m;jl¤p,ng¤geg§; interests of navigation: Provided further That of said funds a sum of amken. not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars may be used, and is hereby made available, for the payment of damages, if any, to lands and tenements caused by the failure of thenatural embankment ot the Pine River reser voiron June seventeenth, eighteen hundred and W niiéety-six.k d Mk ¤¤¤¤¤Mi·¤i¤· or wor in accor ance with the lans and s iiications of the
- {§,’I.’} “"'" "°“‘“‘"" Mississippi River commun es; P pm
N"' °'*°*“°· L* At the harbor of New Orleans, Louisiana: Continuing improvement, one hundred and ten thousand dollars. Nmnsz and vi. At the harbor of Natchez and Vidalia, Mississippi and Louisiana, M- Mm- ~··* L·- fifty thousand dorms. Memphis. Tenn. At the harbor of Memphis, Tennessee: The Mississippi River Commission IS directed to examine the harbor at Memphis, Tennessee, and