FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 425. 1899. 1 157 IOWA. I°“ Bellevue, Iowa.: Survey with a view to ascertain whether it is desirable to construct a dam across what is known as Crooked Slough, opposite Bellevue, Iowa, on the Illinois shore of the Mississippi River, at a point in section nine, township twenty-six north, of range one east, and where the wagon road leading from Galena and Hanover, Hlinois, to Bellevue, Iowa, intersects and crosses said slough. KENTUCKY. Kentucky. Green River, Kentucky: From Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, to Greensburg, Kentucky. LOUISIANA. I·°¤i=*¤¤·~ Survey of Atchafalaya Bay from the mouth of Atchafalaya River to deep water in the Gulf of Mexico, twelve feet deep at mean low water and two hundred feet wide, with an estimate of the cost of said improvement. MAINE. Mem- Boothbay Harbor. Camden Harbor. _ Penobscot River, at and near Bueksport Narrows. Parkers Head Harbor and Channel, Kennebec River. Bueksport Harbor. Kennebec River between Gardiner Bridge and Augusta Dam, with a) view to securing a channel equal in capacity to that below said ridge. Kenduskeag River at its mouth, with a view to securing a channel two feet deep at extreme low tide for the entire width of the river. . MARYLAND. Maryann. Claibourne Harbor. Queenstown Harbor. Patuxent River, at Bristol Bar. Brettons Bay, on the Potomac River. Elk River. Tyaskin Creek. ` Rockhall Harbor, with a view to obtaining a channel through Swan Point Bar one hundred and fifty feet wide and twelve feet deep and a ‘ channel in the inner harbor of the same width and depth; also for a channel one hundred and ninety feet wide and twelve feet deep across the bar. MASSACHUSETTS. Massachusetts. New Bedford Harbor: To remove the bar between the present channel and the northerly terminus of the proposed channel on the northerly side of the New Bedford and Fairhaven Bridge, and also of removing the bar in the channel of New Bedford Harbor about eight hundred feet southerly from Fish Island. Vineyard Haven: With a view to its further protection and improvement as a harbor of refuge by a breakwater or otherwise. Sandy Bay: Resurvey and estimate of cost at breakwater. Winthrop Harbor: To provide channels of a width of seventy-tive and one hundred feet, respectively, and a depth of twelve feet and nftecn feet, respectively. Channel of Assonet River. Piers and breakwater at Rockport. Beverly Harbor. Cottage City. Westport Point Harbor. Sandwich Harbor.