RESOLUTIONS. [No. 1.] Joint Resolution To pay the officers and employees of the Senate md D¤¤¤¤¤b¤r20. 1898- House of Representatives their respective salaries for the month of December, YW eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, on the twenty-nrst day of said month. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States 4 of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Senate and g,Q£°$;°,;jj°·g,’,§°;,'; the Clerk of the House of Representatives be, and they are hereby, amtés .nJ}m ne. authorized and instructed to pay the officers and employees of the °°'“"°’ °‘·“‘°“· Senate and House of Representatives, including the Capitol police, their respective salaries for the month of December, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, on the twenty-iirst day of said month. Approved, December 20, 1898. [llc. 2.] Joint Resolution For the improvement of the harbor at Racine, Wis- ·l¤¤¤*·Y§’ 1*% 1899- eousin. yy Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and md he hereby is, requested and directed to cause a survey to be made of the www on pmbor inharbor at Racine, Wisconsin, to ascertain the best method or plan, by ’“’""‘°“" breakwaters or otherwise, to prevent the injurious etiects of the northeast seas, and to report said method or plan with the approximate cost of the same, and that the Secretary of War report as to the advisability of making such improvement. Approved, January 10, 1899. [No. 3.] Joint Resolution For improvement of the harbor at Kenosha, Wisconsin. _ 'lj'j_¥1°·1°”· Resolved bg the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and {$,°§‘,§};;,mQ· nd he hereby is, requested and directed to cause a survey to be made of report on mb<¤· im- ‘ the harbor at Kenosha, Wisconsin, to ascertain the best method or plan, *"°'°"‘°"°‘ by breakwaters or otherwise, to prevent the injurious effects of the northeast seas, and to report said method or plan, with the approximate cost of the same, and that the Secretary of War report as to the advisability of making such proposed improvement. Approved, J anuary 10, 1899. [No, 4.] Joint Resolution Asking for preliminary survey of Ohio River at oi- near J“'”°'¥ 10- im- Cincinnati. Resolred by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States _ _ of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and S‘_Q,‘};*;R,{}**ficu,,¤m· he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause a preliminary survey to mms, {sito emmbe made of the Ohio River at a point at or near Gullums Rims, innne- “"“· °"""*·°‘°· 1385