1390 - FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. RES. 21-24. 1899. F¤b¤¤¤1’y 28.1899 Y [No. 21.] Joint Resolution Authorizing the Commissioners of the District of Wi; Columbia to alter, amend, or repeal certain health ordinances. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States nasnrietqceiumbie. of America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioners of the District ,,, of Columbia be, and they are hereby, authorized and empowered, in mak- ¤::¢¤M>f me l>¤¤¤¥ ingregulations under the authority conferred by Congress, to alter, ° vsii zi,‘p_3ei, amend, orrepealany of the ordinances of the late board of health of said District which were legalized by joint resolution approved April twenty- fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty, whenever in their judgment the public interest requires it. Approved, February 28, 1899. February 28, 1899. [No. icing Resolution To prevent the spread of contagious diseases in the r"‘*"‘·*r"" Districto Co um ia. Resolved b the Senate and House o Representatives of the United States I 3/ meme: er columbia. of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of fifty thousand dollars ,,m,,E,‘}’j',§’,‘Q{‘*"°'° is hereby appropriated, to be immediately available, one—half out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated and one-half out of the revenues of the District of Columbia, to enable the Commissioners of said District to provide for the proper care of smallpox patients and to prevent the spread of contagious diseases in said District, including a house to house inspection, and such compulsory V¤=<=i¤¤¤¤¤- vaccination as may be deemed necessary by the Health Officer of said District in accordance with existing law, and for other extraordinary emergencies. Approved, February 28, 1899. February 28. 1809.No. 23.] Joint Resolution To amend section twenty-five of the Act passed June [ ”*""‘;""—‘ theteenth, eightezn hundred (gud ninetyi-gighlghentitled "An Act to provide ways an means to mee war expen `tures, an or other purposes." Resolved ln] the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States rue; to meet wu of America in Congress assembled, That an Act passed June thirteenth, °ff§}‘f‘$‘j,§2°f‘;,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, entitled “An Act to provide ways mgrgaxgssigwa 2; and means to meet war expenditures, and for other purposes," be m,,,,, ,€,,,,;,,,,d_,,,.,_ amended by adding to the end ot Schedule A, section twenty-five, the following: “Whenever any bond or note shall be secured by a mortgage, or deed of trust but one stamp shall be required to be placed upon such __;Pr_·;¤h;¤_im M_ papers: Provided, That the stamp tax placed thereon shall be the ' highest rate required for said instruments, or either of them." Approved, February 28, 1899.
March 1, isss. [No. 24.] Joint Resolution Authorizing foreign exhibitors at the commercial expo- —;————— sition to held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in eighteen hundred and ninety- L‘f.‘}p..¤.°’ “’ L’¥‘}‘.€.f,‘Lf}£§ $32*.1% SJEEE ‘t£§$°3fi§{’€¤“.}.‘§}f.§°£§§3}’L`£?.$.Z“;‘.$.Z’§$i£‘L€i‘iI§ the Secretary of the Treasury. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States Bigrgwelphis •¤r<>· of America in Congress, assembled, That the Act of Congress approved v.,;_23_,_m_ February twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and eighty-tive,»prohib1ting Xjlig Pggbsgécs the importation of foreigners under contract to perform labor, and the ftggrunderbcpmmcthe Acts of Congress prohibitingtbe coming of Chinese persons into the ,;,0 tffguimggzs United States, and the Acts amendatory of these Acts, shall not be it inmiiemsats. construed, nor shall anything therein operate to prevent, hinder, or in any wise restrict any foreign exhibitor representative or citizen of a toreign nation, or the holder who is a citizen of a foreign nation of any concession or privilege from the Philadelphia Exposition Association of Pennsylvania from bringing into the United States, under contract.