1496 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. RES. 36. 1898. Mw B- 1898- [No. 36.] Joint Resolution To readmit Nellie Grant Sartoris to the character and W privileges of a citizen of the United States. P"°"““°· Whereas Nellie Grant Sartoris, widow, daughter of the late General Ulysses S. Grant, being a natural-born citizen of the United States, married in eighteen hundred and seventy-four Algeron Charles Frederick Sartoris, a subject of the Queen of Great Britain, and emigrated to Great Britain, becoming thereby, under the laws of Great Britain, a naturalized British subject, to be recognized as such by the United States, according to the provisions of the Convention Relative to v°l· ”’· P· 775- Naturalization between the United States and Great Britain of the thirteenth of May, eighteen hundred and seventy; and Whereas the said Nellie Grant Sartoris has since returned to the United States and renewed her residence therein, and petitioned Congress to be readmitted to the character and privileges of a citizen of the United States under and by virtue of the provisions of article third of the convention aforesaid: Therefore, Resobved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States r,f¤m° Gmt WW of America in (lorogreagaesembled, That Nellie Grant Sartoris, daughter ' _ of General Ulysses S. Grant,. be, and she is hereby, on her own appli- $ ,,_**“‘°" cation, unconditionally readmitted to the character and privileges of a citizen of the United States, in accordance with the provisions of article third of the convention relative to naturalization between the United Staltes and Great Britain concluded May thirteenth, eighteen hundred an seventy. - ‘ Approved, May- 18, 1898.