FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 9. 1897. 12] of troops and lines of battle of the `Union and Confederate armies at Antietam, and for completing the preparation and publication of maps showing the positions of troops engaged in said battle and in the Antietam campaign, and for services and materials incident to the foregoing, to be available until expended, Eve thousand dollars. RoAn T0 NAT1oNAL CEMETERY, lLLtNo1s: For repair of damages wig;} }gm¤gw<>¤¤1 caused by the recent iioods to the roadway leading from the Mound 1’ost,g:634.0m. City National Cemetery to Mound City and Mounds, Illinois, and to widen the road and elevate the grade, three thousand five hundred e ol ars. NATIONAL HoME Fon. DISABLED VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS, PAGIFIC D?¥¤ggg¤1v1{<>m¤ for Buucu, AT SANTA MomcA, CALIFORNIA: Household: For expend- S.,‘f3i.,,.,S,§,§“,}$§i itures for furniture for officers’ quarters; for bedsteads, bedding, bed- ¤%E§¤gus" em ding material, and all other articles required in the quarters of the p ’ ' members, and for their repair if they are not repaired by the Home; tor fuel, including fuel for cooking, heat, and light; for engineers and iiremen, bathhouse keepers, hall cleaners, laundrymen, gas and soap makers and privy watchmen, and for all labor, materials, and appliances required for household use, and for their repairs, unless the repairs are made by the Home, four thousand dollars. For repairs, namely: Pay of chief engineer, builders, blacksmiths, B¤P¤¤¤ ¤*¤· carpenters, cabinetmakers, coopers, painters, gas litters, plumbers, tinsmiths, wire-workers, steam litters, stone and brick masons, quarry- men, whitewashers, and laborers, and for all appliances and material used under this head; also, for repair of roads and of other improvements of a permanent character, two thousand one hundred and eleven dollars and thirty-seven cents. _ MAmoN Bnmcn, AT Miuuou, IunrANA: To pay claim of Patton “*¤°f*· M- and Thornburg, of Marion, Indiana, to cover error made in their proposal to repair the hospital corridor, being the difference in their bid and the next higher bid, three hundred and eighty-three dollars and tour cents. That the provisions of the Act entitled “An Act to authorize con- ,m§’3’;Qj'lfj,f,f;$1gBs°* demnation of land for sites of public buildings, and for other purposes/’ vo1.zs,p.s¤v. ' approved August first, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, shall be construed to apply to the Board of Managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. STATE on Tnnniromn. Hozuns ron DISABLED Sonnmus Ann H,§*·_;> gg '1`¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ SAILORS: For continuing aid to State and Territorial Homes for the v¥:1.és,;f4¤o. support of disabled volunteer soldiers, in conformity with the Act approved August twenty-seventji, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight: Provided, That one-half of any sum or sums retained by State Homes {,’;d·>·*·g· on account of pensions received from inmates shall be deducted from °° x°°°’ the aid herein provided tor, sixty-five thousand dollars. PAY OF TWO AND THREE YEAR VOLUNTEERS: Payment of amounts 0*;:>;gfIj$;d*¤¤° for arrears of pay of two and three year volunteers that may be certi- y ' fied to be due by the accounting officers of the Treasury during the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, nfty thousand dollars. Cunmcr IN THE ACCOUNTS or Muon T. W. Svmonsz That the mfg2J0f T- W- Svproper accounting officers of the Treasury are hereby authorized and croha in accounts directed to credit Major (late Captain) T. W. Symons, Corps of Engi- °*· neers, United States Army, in the settlement of his public accounts with the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, the said amount having been paid out in accordance with the orders of the Secretary of War and the provisions of the regulations for the government of the Army of the United States prescribed by the President. CHICKAMAUGA Ann CnAzrTANooeA NATIONAL PARK: Forthe pay- Cgeigmjgatijgj ment of the account of Messrs. Bukofzer and Company, of Chatta· rmt. _ nooga, Tennessee, incurred by the Chickamauga and Chattanooga ,°f"_§§}“,‘§f" ‘° B“"°" National Park Commission in connection with the ceremonies incident to the dedication of the Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Park, forty-nve dollars.