FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 576-579. 1899. 1575 CHAP. 576.-An Act To remove the charge of desertion against John Phelon, March 3, 1899- deceased. T--; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, John Phelcn. _ and he is hereby, authorized and directed to remove the charge of dig?,;',?; h°“°"‘°"’ desertion now standing in the records against John Phelon, deceased, late a member of Company C, Third Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, and of Company F, Second Battalion of the Fifteenth Regiment of United States Infantry, and to issue an honorable discharge from the last-named service: Provided, That no pay, bounty, or Rrevi-¤q· other emoluments shall become due or payable by virtue of the passage MPM ‘ m` of this Act. Approved, March 3. 1899. CHAP. 57'I.—An Act To remove the charge of desertion against James J. Fluke. M¤f<>l¤ 3, 1899- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, J¤··¤·>¤ J·F1¤k¤. and hereby is, authorized and directed to remove the charge of desertion qid5E'};? h°“°”m° against James J. Fluke, late member of Battery D, First United States . Artillery, and grant him an honorable discharge as of date January twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three: Provided, That no §;°m:·>·" pay, bounty, or other allowances shall become due or payable by virtue P y' °' _ of the passage of this Act. Approved, March 3, 1899. CHAP. 578.-An Act For the relief of Julius C. Kloenne. March 3, 1899. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o/`America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War is Juim o.1<i0s¤¤s. hereby authorized and directed to correct the record of Julius C, _,,§,‘§,Q""""° “'“‘ Kloenne, late captain of Company K, Seventeenth Indiana Infantry " Volunteers, whom the record shows was mustered out of service in • that regiment on the twenty-third day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, so that the same will show him to have been honorably discharged and mustered out with leave and tbr the purpose of recruiting and organizing other troops in the State of Indiana, and that said record be so changed and corrected instead of the record now made. Sec. 2. That said Julius C. Kloeune be, and is hereby, declared 1’¤y· entitled to pay as captain in said regiment from the date of the last payment made to him up to the date of his discharge as atoresaid. Approved, March 3, 1899. CHAP. 579.——An Act For the relief of Edward C. Parsons. March 3, 1899. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War is 52m;-?-hP;r=<>¤;j~ hereby authorized and directed to remove the charge of desertion from .nSc»mg.-,_ " °” ° the military record of Edward C. Parsons, who served in Company B, Twentyseventh Michigan Infantry, during the late war, and grant him an honorable discharge to date April ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three: Provided, That no pay, bounty, or other emoluments shall {yung. become due or payable by virtue of the passage of this Act. ‘ ° *‘°’*“°‘ Approved, March 3, 1899.