cedes her sovereignty shall be se- cede, tendran asegurado el libre cured in the free exercise of their ejercicio de su religion. religion. - Anricma XI. ABTICUL0 XI. Smus of Sv¤¤i¤1¤ The Spaniards residing in the Los espanoles residentes en los '°“‘°°"" "“ °°"°°' territories over which Spain by territorios cuya soberania cede 6 this treaty cedes or relinquishes renuncia Espana por este tratado, her sovereignty shall be subject in estaran sometidos en lo civil y en _ matters civil as well as criminal to lo criminal a los tribunales del pais the jurisdiction of the courts of en que residan con arreglo alas the country wherein they reside, leyes communes que regulcn su pursuant to the ordinary laws gov- competencia, pudiendo comparecer erning the same; and they shall ante aquellos, eu la misma forma y have the right to appear before ampleando los mismos pro cedimisuch courts, and to pursue the entos que debau observar los ciusame course as citizens of the dadanos del pais a que pertenezca country to which the courts belong. el tribunal. Anrrcnn XII. Anrfcuno XII. mtsnqmrim of Judicial proceedings pending at Los procedimientos jndiciales ,,,;"‘£*,§‘,,§_·l“‘*i°*‘l P'"' the time of the exchange of ratiti- pendientes al canjearse las ratilications of this treaty in the terri- caciones de este tratado, en los tories over which Spain relin- territorios sobre los cuales Espana quishcs or cedes her sovereignty renuucia 6 cede su soberania, se shall be determined according to determinaran con arreglo a las the following rules: reglas siguientes: Ugnhhb by 1. Judgments rendered either in 1. Las sentencias dictadas en S!" I"' civil suits between private individ· causas civiles entre particulares 6 uals, or in criminal matters, before en materia criminal, antes de la ¤¤_·t¤z¤·¤¤*#¤ d¤¤¤¤¤d the date mentioned, and with re- fecha mencionada,ycontra las cna- ° speet to which there is no recourse les no haya apelacion 6 casacion or right of review under the Span- con arreglo a. las leyes espanolas, ish law, shall be deemed to be final, seconsideraran como nrmes, y seran and shall be executed in due form ejecutadas en debida forma por la by competent authority in the ter- Autoridad competente en el terriritory within which such judgments torio dentro del cual dichas sentenshould be carried out. cias deban cumplirse. _ mY;gjgg·;:{,>*;:fP•¤°· 2. Civil suits between private in- 2. Los pleitos civiles entre par- “dividuals which may on the date ticulares que en la fecha menciomentioned be undetermined shall nada no hayau sido juzgedes, conbe prosecuted to judgment before tinuaran su tramitaci n ante el the court in which they may then Tribunal en que se halle el proceso, be pending or in the court that 6 ante aquel que lo sustituya. ‘ may be substituted therefor. . f_3i;_}i¤*b°g:r;*°:uj 3. Criminal actions pending on 3. Las acciones en materia crimifism 'gonrt or spam the date mentioned before the Su- nal pendientes en la fecha menciog:;:,’fh$‘;§’r‘{.‘g’,_fgf,}.{°‘ preme Court of Spain against citi- nada ante el Tribunal Supreme de zens of the territory which by. this Espana contraciudadanos del territreaty ceases to be Spanish shall torio que segiin este tratado deja de continue under its jurisdiction uu- ser espanohcontiuuaran bajo su jutil iinal judgment; but, such judg- risdiccion hasta que recaiga la senment having been rendered, the tenciadeiinitiva; pero una vez dicexecution thereof shall be commit- tada esa sentencia, su ejecucién ted to the competent authority of sera encomendada a la Autoridad the place m which the case arose. competent-e del lugar en que la accién se suscito. Anrrcm XIII. Anricuno XIII. ' Existingwv ughu The rights of property secured Continuaranrespetandose losde- {f},‘L§d“?°”° dgg°°°°°` bycopyrigbtsjmd patents acquired rechos de ptopriedad literaria, arbyspamardsmthe Island of Cuba, tistica é industrial, adquiddcs por
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TREATY—SPAIN. December 10, 1898.