PROOLAMATION S. N0. 20. 1785 Sections eighteen (18) and nineteen (19), Township three (3) South, Range one (1) East, Black Hills Meridian, South Dakota; thence easterly to the north-west corner of Section twenty-two (22), said township; thence southerly to the south—west corner of Section thirty-four (34), said township; thence easterly to the south-east corner of said township; thence southerly to the south—west corner of Section thirty (30), Township tour (4) South, Range two (2) East; thence easterly to the south-east corner of Section twenty-seven (27), said township; thence southerly to the south-west corner of Section eleven (111), Township five (5) South, Range two (2) East; thence easterly to the north·west corner of Section eighteen (18), Township live (5) South, Range tour (4) East; thence southerly to the " south-west corner of said township; thence easterly to the southeast corner of Township five (5) South, Range five (5) East, the place of beginning; excepting and excluding irom reservation all those certain tracts, pieces or parcels of land lying and being situate within the boundaries particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the north-east corner of Section twenty-four (24), Township five (5) North, Range three (3) East, Black Hills Meridian; thence westerly to the north-west corner of Section nineteen (19), said township; thence southerly to the north-west corner of Section thirty- one (31), said township; thence westerly to the north-west corner of Section thirty-six (36), Township five (5) North, Range two (2) East; thence southerly to the south-west corner of Section thirteen (13), Township four (4) North, Range two (2) East; thence easterly to the south-east corner of Section fifteen (15), Township four (4) North, Range three (3) East; thence northerly to the south-west corner of Section two (2), said township; thence easterly to the south-east corner of said section; thence northerly to the north-east corner of said section; thence easterly to the southeast corner of Township live (5) North, Range three (3) East; thence northerly to the nortb—east corner of Section twenty-four (24), said township, the place of beginning. Excepting from the force and effect of this proclamation all lands 0x*;*°&d'¤“d °¤¤'*°¤ which may have been, prior to the date hereof, embraced in any legal P ' entry or covered by any lawful filing duly of record in the proper United States Land Olhce, or upon which any valid settlement has been made pursuant to law, and the statutory period within which to · make entry or tiling of record has not expired; and all mining claims duly located and held according to the laws of the United States and rules and regulations not in condict therewith; Provided, That this exception shall not continue to apply to any particular tract of land unless the entrymau, settler or claimant continues to comply with the law under which the entry, filing, settlement for location was made. \Varning is hereby expressly given to al persons not to enter or m*f_f_j:{f’°d "°"* "°*·· make settlement upon the tract of land reserved by this proclamation. ln witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be ath xed. l)one at the City of \\'ashington this nineteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and [sEAL.| ninety-eight. and of the Independence of the Vuited States the one hundred and twenty-third. Wintinr }lCl{INLEY By the President: Arvnr A. Aman Acting Secretary of State.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1818