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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1820

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PROCLAMATION S. Nos. 22, 23. 1787 military equipment, and all other public property of every kind and description belonging to the government of the Hawaiian Islands, was duly accepted, ratified, and contirmed, and the said Hawaiian Islands and their dependencies annexed_ as a part of the territory of the United States and made subiect to the sovereign dominion thereof, and all an_d singular the property and rights hereinbefore mentioned vested in the United States of America; and · Whereas, it was further provided in said resolution that the existing laws of the United States relative to public lands shall not apply to such lands in the Hawaiian Islands, but the Congress of the United Staites shall enact special laws for their management and disposition; an · Whereas, it is deemed necessary in the public interests that certain lots and plats of land in the City of Honolulu be immediately reserved for naval purposes; » Now, therefore, I, WILLIAM MCKINLEY, President of the United mwmuu m·¤a». States, by virtue of the authority in me vested, do hereby declare; pro- f,,¥°}§`,Y§1**°,§'u$’;,Q§§j‘ claim, and make known that the tollowingdescribed lots or plats of H·>¤¤1¤l¤· ` land be and the same are hereby reserved for naval purposes until such time as the Congress of the United States shall otherwise direct, to wit: 1st. The water front lying between the Bishop Estate and the line of Richards Street including the site of prospective wharves, slips, and their approaches. 2nd. The blocks of land embracing lots No. 86 to 91, 100 to 131, including Mililani Street to the intersection of Halekauwali Street; and the Government water lots lying between the Bishop Estate and Punchbowl and Allen Streets. ' In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. _ _ Done at the City of Washington, this second day of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, and [SEAL.] of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-third. - W1LLuM McKi1~:LEY By the President: J omv HAY Secretary of State. [No. 23.] BY rim PRESIDENT or THE UNITED STATES or Amman1A. ¤~`=br·¤¤t~·_j{¤._]_§_»j; A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, it is provided by section twenty-tour of the Act of _Con- €_r)·;¤¤;’bl¤· lm gress, approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled, ‘ ‘ "‘ ‘ ~·An Act to repeal timber-culture laws, and for other purposes," “That the President of the United States may, from time to time, set apart and reserve, in any State or Territory having public land bearing forests, in any part of the public lands wholly or in part covered with timber or nndergrowth, whether of commercial value or not, as public reservations, and the President shall, by public proclamation, declare the establishment of such reservations and the limits thereof; ” And whereas, the public lands in the State of Utah, within the limits hereinafter described, are in part covered with timber, and it appears that the public good would be promoted by setting apart and reserving said lands as a public reservation; _ Y _ Now, therefore, I, WILLIAM IWICKINLEY, President of the Lnitedl U3?-est rmmuou. States, by virtue of the power in me vested by section twenty-fonr·ot ` the atbresaid Act of Congress, do hereby make known and proclaim that there is hereby reserved from entry or settlement and set apart as