1796 CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS CF CONGRESS. SECOND SESSION, FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. , HOLIDAY RECESS, 1897-1898. December 16, iam. Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That
when the two Houses adjourn on Saturday, the eighteenth day of
December, they stand adjourned until twelve o’c1ock meridian on Wednesday, January nfth, eighteen hundred and ninetyeight. Passed by the House of Representatives December 15, 1897. Passed by the Senate December 16, 1897 . NATIONAL HOME FOR DISABLED VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS. D°¤•=¤¤l>°* 1"·**°"- Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That veiumer Soldiers' there be printed of the Report of the Board of Managers of the H‘{3}‘f;m,g of add ,_ National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, in addition to the usual ¢i<>¤¤1¤<>1>is1¤ of report number, five hundred copies of the report proper, five hundred copies of °fB°°"i °tM°”°g°”' the report of the Assistant Inspector-General on the State Homes, and one hundred and fifty copies of the record of members, for the use of the House. Passed by the House of Representatives December 13, 1897. Passed by the Senate December 17, 1897. UNITED STATES BOUNDARY COMMISSION. ·l*¤¤*¤`1' 1*18** Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That _“1¤§<i¤ qmgug- there be printed as a document the report of the United States Boundary §,.§ u,,:" ,,,d,`}‘f,,i Commission, pursuautto the Convention between the United Statesand 1·¤¤*¤d· Mexico touching the re-markin g of the boundary line between those two countries west of the Rio Grande, and in addition thereto three hundred copies of said report for the use of the Department of State. Passed the Senate June 3, 1897. Passed the House of Representatives January 12, 1898. SAINT JOSEPH AND BENTON HARBOR. F¤\»ru¤ry2. 1898. Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That `§€.1eeepi.rr.d ner. the Secretary of War be requested to submit to the House of Repref,‘;“p§,‘;,f,‘;°°§ ,m“'§,§Q,’QY sentatives, as soon as practicable, the report of Captain C. McDowell mms requester}? Townsend, Corps of Engineers, dated December thirteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, in reference to certain proposed improvements of the Saint Joseph and Benton Harbor, and the Secretary of War furnish his opinion of the desirability of such improvement. Passed the House of Representatives February 1, 1898. Passed the Senate February 2, 1898. PARIS EXPOSITION. _ March 7. 1898- Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That E5, Ex,,Q,{§§,T there be printed five thousand additional copies of the report of the m·I‘}_;Q**é*;)*;:}3,¢g1j)*,jl§ Special Commissioner of the United States to the International Expomseererrer ordered sition to be held at Paris, of which five hundred copies shall be for the I’"""“· use of the Senate, fifteen hundred copies for the use of the House of Representatives, and three thousand copies for distribution by the Third Assistant Secretary of State. Passed the House of Representatives February 9, 1898. Passed the Senate March 7, 1898.