166 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Crt. 11. 1897. $°¤¤°¤¤ C- 179. Tinsel wire, lame or lahn, made wholly or in chief value of gold, ngcsmiia-“d:¤`ll¤¥::d·? silver, or other metal, five cents per pound; hullions and metal threads, made wholly or in chief value of tinsel wire, lame or lahn, live cents per pound and thirtydive per_ centum ad valorem; laces, embroideries, braids, galloons, trimmings, or other articles, made wholly or in chief value of tin sel wire, lame or lahn, bullions, or metal threads, sixty per centum ad valorem. 180. Hooks and eyes, metallic, whether loose, carded or otherwise, including weight of cards, cartons, and immediate wrappings and labels, live and one-half cents per pound and fifteen per centum ad valorem. Lead. LEAD: 181. Lead—bearing ore of all kinds, one and one-half cents per pound Promo- on the lead contained therein: Provided, That on all importa- I‘°°°`°°“'h“ °'°" tions of lead-bearing ores the duties shall be estimated at the port of entry, and a bond given in double the amount of such estimated duties for the transportation of the ores by common carriers bonded for the transportation of appraised or unappraised merchandise to properly equipped sampling or smelting establishments, whether designated as bonded warehouses or otherwise. On the arrival of the ores at such establishments they shall be sampled according to commercial methods under the supervision of Government officers, who shall be tationed at such establishments, and who shall submit the samples thus obtained to a Government assayer, designated by the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall make a proper assay of the sample, and report the result to the proper customs olhcers, and the import entries shaH be liquidated thereon, except in case of ores that shall be removed to a bonded warehouse to be Pm 1>·`¤10- refined for exportation as provided by law. And the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to make all necessary regulations to enforce the provisions of this paragraph. 182. Lead dross, lead bullion or base bullion, lead in pigs and bars, lead in any form not specially provided for in this Act, old refuse lead run into blocks and bars, and old scrap lead lit only to be remanufactured; all the foregoing, two and one-eighth cents per pound; lead in sheets, pipe, shot, glaziers’ lead and lead wire, two and one-half cents per pound. 183. Metallic mineral substances in a crude state, and metals unwrought, not specially provided for in this Act, twenty per centum ad valorem; monazite sand and thorite, six cents per pound. 184. Mica, unmanulhctured, or rough trimmed only, six cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem; mica, cut or trimmed, twelve cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem. 185. Nickel, nickel oxide, alloy of any kind in which nickel is a component material of chief value, in pigs, ingots, bars, or sheets, six cents per pound. 186. Pens, metallic, except gold pens, twelve cents per gross. 187. Penholder tips, penholders or parts thereof, and gold pens, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 188. Pins with solid heads, without ornamentation, including hair, safety, hat, bonnet, and shawl pins; any of the tbregoing composed wholly of brass, copper, iron, steel,or other base metal, not plated, and not commonly known as jewelry, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 189. Quicksilver, seven cents per pound. The flasks, bottles. or other vessels in which quicksilver is imported shall be subject to the same rate of duty as they would be subjected to if imported emptv. 190. Type metal, one and one-half cents per pound for the lead contained therein; new types, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. W¤¢¤¤¤¤¤v<·¤¤¤¤¤- 191. Watch movements, whether imported in cases or not, if having not more than seven jewels, thirty-tive cents each: if having more than seven jewels and not more than eleven jewels, nifty cents each: if having