RESOLUTIONS. NIMH 18W- Silo. 1.] Joint Resolution Makiniimmediately available the approplriations for
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Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States unugesmimmu- of America in Congress assembled That the appropriations for mileage f,f,{,_‘f[,§‘{““‘°"‘·°“°'“' and stationery of Senators, Mem’bers of the House of Representatives App¤>pri¤¤¤¤• !{>r· and Delegates from the Territories, made in the Legislative, Executive, _ {,'}‘,,‘f‘°°'““’l’ “"‘ "` and Judicial Appropriation Act, for the iiscal year ending June thir- “}’<gf¤.1>1··5°¤· “°· tieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, approved February nine- ‘ teenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, be and the same are made immediately available and authorized to be paid to Senators, Members of the House of Representatives and Delegates irom the Territories for attendance at the iirst session of the Fifty-fifth Congress. Approved, March 24, 1897. NSNK 24. 18*7- [No. 2.] Joint Resolution Making immediately available appropriations for the __ payment of session employees of the House of Representatives uring the first session of the Fifty-flft Congress. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States $,3,,,,,,, c,,,,,;.,,.,,,,, of America in Congress assembled, That the appropriations made in the ggé? ·>*` R*1>¤>¤°¤*¤· Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Appropriation Act for the fiscal sppmprisrsm am. year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, approved February nineteenth, {!_;$‘},‘js°§’g'°;};_f;?,}’,;,$ eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, for compensation of session ssp c¤¤g¤»»¤. employees of the House of Representatives, be, and the same are ‘ "'· 2°· W 5** 5** hereby, made available from and including the fifteenth day of March, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven until the close of the iirst session of the Fifty-fitth Congress; and persons employed under said appropriations shall be paid irom the date of their actual employment, without regard to the date of their respective oaths of office, and at the rates per diem or per month as provided in said Act. Approved, March 24, 1897. March 21, 1897. [No. 3.] Joint Resolution Directing Secretary of War to furnish tents to the suf— vv; ferers from the Hoods in the Mississippi River. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States ,1,,,,,],,,,,,,,, mv,,,._ of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and mfl:¤,{;0_{¤r ¤¤¤f¤¤·¤ he is hereby, authorized to purchase one thousand tents, or so many ' thereof as may be necessary, to shelter and relieve the suiferers from the flood in the Mississippi River; and a sufficient sum of money is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to carry out the purposes of this resolution. Approved, March 24, 1897. 216