220 FIFTYFIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Rus. 10-13. 1897. May 7, 1897. · [Nm gd] lJI<;i.nt Resolution Providing for the expenses of the Congress of the [Tui- W VB1`S3 OSU! I1l0D. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States Bigwplglgsss lolx; _Uui- of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of fifty thousand dol- V Ap,,,‘{§Yg§,,,,'f‘°'};,, lars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any moneys in the ¤¤r><•¤¤¤ · Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to provide for the accommodation and entertainment of the Congress of the Universal Postal Union, to assemble in the City of Washington on the iirst Wednesday in May, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, said sum to be expended u11der the authority of the Postmaster-General. Approved, May 7, 1897. my 24, 1397, [No. 11.]_ _Joint Resolution Appropriating nfty thousand dollars for the relief of R destitute citizens of the United States in the Island of Cuba. 4 Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States C¤b¤· _ , of America in Congress assembled That the sum of fifty thousand dollars A.p‘pI'0p!'IIIGl0ll {D! . 7 • . (imma mam. of be, and the same IS hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treas- We Uuim S*¤*¤· ury not otherwise appropriated, for the relief of destitute citizens of the United States in the Island of Cuba, said money to be expended at ghe discretion and under Jhe direction of th; President of the United tates in the purchase an furnishing of foo clothing and medicines to such citizens, and for transporting to the Uriited Statbs such of them as so desire and who are without means to transport themselves. Approved, May 24, 1897. June 1, 1897. _ [No. 12.] , Joint Resolution In amendment of the joint resolution of April seventh, ’·_‘;"'_ eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to transport contributions for the relief of the famishing poor of India. 1 Resolved the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States g:?;;:;: 1¤g¤ih8 of America in Congress assembled, That the joint resolution of April Nm-; ,,,..,*7 mg,}.-,y sgwgrithixeighttgep hundred and nlinety-seyen, authprizing the Secretary
- a¤¤·=¤° wg Pa ;°'{· o e avy ranspor contri utions or the re ief of the famishing
algiggnasi ml of poor of angie, lg], and (she same is hefleby, so amended that the Secretary s a e au orize to c arter an cmp oy the most suitable steamships or vessels of any nationality, not exceeding two in number, to carry out the object of said resolution. Approved, June 1, 1897. June 1. 1897. [No. 19.1 Joint Resolution Making an uppropriationi to supply a deticicncy in the ‘"‘ ‘ "’"""— appropriztitagnsafpr public printing and bm ing for the fiscal year eighteen hundred BD l11I1G X- B ’ I. _ _ _ Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States bixgimf P¤¤¤¤K ml of America in Congress assembled, That the following sum be, and the penqm¤eyspp»¤pn· same IS hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not “"°“ ’°’· otherwise appropriated, supply a deficiency in the appropriations fordpublm printing and binding for the nscal year eighteen hundred an nine y-seven, name y: _ PUBLIC PRINTING AND BINDING. For the public printing, for the public binding, and for paper for the public printing, including the cost of printing the debates and proceedings of Congress in the Congressional Record, and for lithographing, mapping, and engraving for both Houses of Congress, the Supreme Court of the United States, the supreme court of the District of Columbia, the Court of Claims. the Library of Congress, the Executive Office,