FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 6-8. 1898. 23] Columbia, or by the coroner of said District, for judicial purposes; the provisions of this Act shall not be held to interfere with the disposal of the ashes of bodies which have been cremated. Sec. 18. That the provisions of this Act shall 1101} be applied to pre- R<>m¤v¤1 or bodies ‘ vent the immediate removal of bodies from Graceland Cemetery, as £{‘,§§_G'“°°1““d °°‘“‘ required by "An Act to prohibit the interment of bodies in Graceland V·>i-28·1>-220- Cemetery in the District of Columbia/’ approved August third, eighteen hundred and ninety-four. Sec. 19. That all acts or part of acts inconsistent with the provi- semi. sions of this Act be, and the same are hereby, repealed. , Approved, January 25, 1898. _ CHAP. 7.-An Act Authorizing the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to January 25. 1898. accept the bequest of the late Peter Von Essen for the use of the public white schools "'"i_"‘*" of that portion of said District formerly known as Georgetown, and distribute same among the heirs of Peter Von Essen, deceased. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of zlmeriea in Congress assembled, That the Commissioners of the cmpmnsmners or District of Columbia be, and they are hereby, authorized and required £,"j,'f,',f§f,§’*;§f,’{}{,'§g to accept the bequest of twelve thousand and fifty-seven dollars and •>fP•¤¤>r V<>¤ ESM twenty-four cents bequeathed by the will of the late Peter Von Essen to the late corporation of Georgetown for the use of the free white schools of said town, and which sum has been decreed to be turned over to said Commissioners, as the successors of the said corporation, by the supreme court of the District of Columbia in equity cause numbered fifty-two hundred and thirty-eight; and that said Commissioners t., .n,,mbm f.;, be, and they are hereby, required to distribute the said funds among ¤¤¤·>¤¤ **1* **5**- the heirs of the said Peter Von Essen, deceased, share and share alike, upon satisfactory proof of such heirship. Approved, January 25, 1898. CHAP. 8.-An Act To regulate, in the District of Columbia, the disposal of ·T¤·¤¤¤1‘Y?5·l*l9$· certain refuse, and for other purposes. """“"`” ’° ‘ ‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Amer·ica in Congress assembled, That it shall be unlawful for any b,Di¤¢=i¤¤ of C<·i¤¤¤· person or persons to maintain, upon any original lot or subdivisional Qispml 0, m,,,,,, ‘ lot, situated on any street in the District of Columbia, where there is eee. a public sewer and water main available for the use of such lot, any uY;{°¤;_?,}gr;°*fb{,°é system of disposal of human excreta except by means of water-closets geweris amiable. connected with such sewer and wafer main. Sec. 2. That no privy shall be constructed or maintained in said Dis- °tf'“'*°°- I°F“**°“ °*`· trict, everypart of which is notat least five feetfrom the line of any adioin- ` ing lot, two feet from any street or public or private passageway, and ten feet from any building used or intended to be used for dwelling purposes, or wherein persons are employed or intended to be employed in any trade or business- nor within fifty feet of any well or spring used or likely to be used by man as a source of water for drinking or domestic purposes. Sec. 3. That every privy in said District shall be constructed and ,,£·,°,j’,‘?°j,Qf’·°°°“""°i’ maintained in such a manner and position as to afford ready means of ` access thereto for the purpose of cleaning the same, and to admit of the removal of the contents from the premises whereon such privy is situated to the public street without being carried through any dwelling house or building where persons are employed in any trade or business; and said privy shall be so constructed as to prevent undue exposure of the occupants thereof, and provided with a sufficient opening for ventilation, as near the top as practicable, communicating