FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 11. 1898. 239 For rent of office for surveyor-general, pay of messenger, stationery, R¤¤¤·¤f¤- books, fuel, light, binding of records, purchase of furniture, and other incidental expenses, one thousand dollars. PUBLIC LAND SERVICE. i Public land service. _ For examination of public surveys in the several surveying districts, 1, E¤¤¤¤i¤¤ti<>¤3 <>fp¤b~ in order to test the accuracy of the work in the field, and to prevent 1° S“"°"‘°t°‘ _ payment for fraudulent and imperfect surveys returned by deputy surveyors, and for examination of surveys heretotbre made and reported to be defective or fraudulent, and inspecting mineral deposits, coal xmpaing mineral tields, and timber districts, and for making such other surveys or exam- ‘°P°“"’°·°‘°· inations as may be required for identification of lands for purposes of evidence in any suit or proceeding in behalf of the United States authority is hereby granted to use of the appropriation for the iiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, for surveying the public lands, not exceeding twenty thousand dollars in addition to the sum of forty thousand dollars heretofore authorized of said appropriation by the sun- AM.1>·33- dry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ’ ninety-eight. GEOLOG-ICAL SURVEY. Geological Survey. For the geological and topographical surveys in Alaska, twenty Al’*°k¤· thousand dollars, to continue available until the close of the iiscal year eighteen hundred aud ninety-nine. For the payment for the transmission of public documents through Pu{,g:3jc¤;;f°*;j,g¤ °i' the Smithsonian exchange, two thousand three hundred and nineteen ` dollars and twenty-five cents. _ · I>0sT-OFFIGE DEPARTMENT. mgj;;i*·°¤¤¤ D¤r·=·¤- OUT on THE POSTAL REVENUES. Postmarking and rating stamps, and repairs to same, and ink and S‘““‘P“-*“"·I’“"“· pads for stamping and canceling purposes, fifteen thousand dollars. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. ..£°*’*'*'“°"‘ °‘ L" To enable the Commissioner of Labor to complete a compilation of °,°::*;£f°*°“ °’¤*°• the rates of wages paid in diiierent occupations in the principal commercial countries of the world, to continue available during the tiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, six thousand dollars. That the unexpended balance of the appropriation made for contingent expenses of the Department of Labor for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety~seven is hereby made available for the same purpose during the iiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. SENATE. S¤¤¤¤~- For fuel, oil, and cotton waste, and advertising for the heating appa- *`“°l· °*l· °*°· ratus, exclusive of labor, nine thousand six hundred and seventy-one dollars and sixty cents. For miscellaneous items, exclusive of labor, ten thousand dollars. To pay Henry A. Du Pont the amount expended by him in prosecut- P“H°'g{$ Du P°¤°· ing his claim to a seat in the Senate from the State of Delaware, one ym thousand eight hundred and fifty-tive dollars and forty-five cents. _ HOUSE or REPRESENTATIVES. a,§gg§¤·>*R¤¤*·=·°¤* For miscellaneous items and expenses of special and select commit- w°°°“““°°°°’°°°` tees, twenty thousand dollars. Approved, January 28, 1898.