FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ons. 55, 56. 1898. 273 authorized to expend not exceeding nve thousand five hundred dollars E¤¤1>1¤y¤¤¤- for services of employees in the Bureau of Foreign Commerce (formerly the Bureau of Statistics), Department of State, in the work of compiling and distributing uch reports; the sum of two thousand dollars ior the cost of cablegrams in instructing consular officcrs to report upon matters of immediate importance to commerce and industry, and of cablegrams of consuls on such subjects; also, to defray the extra expense imposed upon consular officers in collecting certain data where it seems to be warranted; and not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollar in the purchase of such books, maps, and periodicals as may be necessary to the editing of diplomatic, consular, and other commercial reports: Provided, m¤,°¤,! 0,2 That all terms of measure, weight, and money shall be reduced to and measures, ow. expressed in terms of measure, weight, and coin of the United States, as well as in the foreign terms; that each is ue of consular reports shall not exceed ten thousand copies. coNT1NG-ENT EXPENSES, UNITED STATES CONSULATES. Expense of providing all such stationery, blanks, record and other C¤¤¤i¤z:1¤;:“e¤- books, seals, presses, iiags, signs, rent, postage, furniture, statistics, "°"°°°’°°”' newspapers, freight (foreign and domestic), telegrams, advertising, messenger service, traveling expenses of consular officers and consular clerks, compensation of Chinese writers, loss by exchange, and such other miscellaneous expenses as the President may think necessary for the several consulates, consular agencies, and commercial agencies in the transaction of their business, two hundred thousand dollars. - INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF AMEBIGAN REPUBLICS. Commercial Bureau of A1!101'l0&I1 Republics, thirty-six thousand dol- R£f"}f,fg;’;"Am°“°°¤ lars: Provided, That any moneys received from sale of the Bureau 1Bm;w.'_ publications, from rents, or other sources shall be paid into the Treas- ,,,§°$ig{,*;,{5‘g’*;,;‘,?‘§;; ury as a credit in addition to the appropriation, and may be drawn p¤¤P¤<>¤· therefrom upon requisitions of the Secretary of State for the purpose of meeting the expenses of the Bureau. Approved, March 9, 1898. CHAP. 56.-An Act Making appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies in the Mami 9, 1898. appropriations for the iiscal year ending June tlurtieth, eighteen hundred and ·····#······*"*‘ ninety-eight, and for prior years, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, Umqt 5Mi¤i•>¤¤i¤¤ and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treas- "”'°’““°'°"‘ ury not otherwise appropriated, to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the iiscal year eighteen hundred and ninetyeight, and for other objects hereinatier stated, namely: PRINTING AND BINDING. ,¤§’*¤“"g nd "*”‘*‘ d Sor printing and binding for the Navy Department, ten thousand Mw D·=v¤r¤¤¤¤*- o ars. For printing and binding for the Department of Justice, four thou- t,£°P*“'*'"°"‘ °‘ ·“" sand dollars. ` For printing and binding for the Department of State, twelve thou- s,g;P‘“‘ ""’“" °’ sand dollars. ` For printing and binding for the Interior Department, forty thousand g¤€•¤*¤¤ D¤r>·**· dollars. m ° ' vo:. XXX·————1S