316 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. ll. Ch. 68. 1898. V0!-18·P· ¤°°· sixty-nve of the Revised Statutes, or section three of the Act of June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy~four, chapter three hundred and twenty-eight. R¤*¤¤of1»y.••¤i¤t; Sec. 2. That the pay of assistant messengers, firemen, watchmen,
aw laborers, and oharwomen provided for in this Act, unless otherwise
specially stated, shall be as follows: For assistant messengers, firemen, and watchmen, at the rate of seven hundred and twenty dollars pe1· annum each; for laborers, at the rate of six hundred and sixty dollars per annum each, and for charwomen, at the rate of two hundred and forty dollars per annum each. Books. mriodiools. Sec. 3. That hereafter law books, books of reference, and periodicals
- ,°‘,;:,,]{,Y,§§°§,*,‘j°‘“’ for use of any Executive Department, or other Government establish-
PM. v- 74*- ment not under an Executive Department, at the seat of Government, shall not be purchased or paid for from any appropriation made for contingent expenses or for any specinc or general purpose unless such purchase is authorized and payment therefor speciucally provided in the law granting the appropriation. Dgplrgzisttggjg {Bf Sec. 4. Hereafter the Secretary of State shall cause to be delivered x-me smarts, sm. to the Superintendent of Documents the Revised Statutes, supplements '*'°• *° '·”¤°· °°°· thereto, session laws, and Statutes at Large, to supply deficiencies, and V¤*·¤*·1»¤¢ to be sold by him under the provisions of section sixty-one of the Act approved January twelhzh, eighteen hundred and ninety-tive, entitled “An Act providing for the public printing and binding and distribution of public documents." m—:¤¤:°::{:<;_*6i:*¤tfl?é Sec. 5. All books, papers, and other matters relating to the accounts mmm my be an. of odlcers of the Government in the District of Columbia shall at all °P°°°°‘*·°*°· times be subject to inspection and examination by the Comptroller of the Treasury and the Auditor of the Treasury authorized to settle such accounts, or by the duly authorized agents of either of said officials. mzogmogogoyémfgjl Sm:. 6. Section thirty-seven hundred and eleven of the Revised Stat- -1;, ¤,_.,,.._ 3-m_,,_mi_ utes, as amended by section six of the Act making appropriations for _,"°l·”·P-8°8·¤m°¤d· legislative, executive, and judicial expenses, approved March second, ` eighteen hundred and ninetyfive, is hereby amended to read as follows: " Sec. 3711.* It shall not be lawful for any officer or person in the civil, military, or naval service of the United States in the District of Columbia to purchase anthracite or bituminous coal or wood for the public service except on condition that the same shall, before delivery, be Aip:i¤¤¤¤o¤¤ of i¤- inspected and weighed or measured by some competent person, to be °°°° ‘ appointed by the head of the Department or chief of the brunch of the service for which the purchase is made from among the persons author- D¤¤••- ized to be employed in such Department or branch of the service. The person appointed under this section shall ascertain that each ton of coal weighed by him shall consist of two thousand two hundred and forty pounds, and that each cord of wood to be so measured shall be of the standard measure of one hundred and twenty-eight cubic feet. Each load or parcel of wood or coal weighed and measured by him shall be accompanied by his certificate of the number of tons or pounds of coal the number of cords or parts of cords of wood in each load or parce . Vo1·27. D-715- Sec. 7. That section five of the Act making appropriations for legislative, executive, and judicial expenses, approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, is hereby amended to read as follows: E§(f;‘$i*f__**}l;?;¤;;{ _ “Hereafter it shall be the duty of the heads of the several Execummm. t1ve Departments, in the interest of the public service, to require of all clerks and other employees, of whatever grade or class, in their respec- ` tive Departments, not less than seven hours of labor each day, except Sundays and days declared public holidays by law or Executive order: 1-m»im._ Provided, That the heads of the Departments may, by special order, ,m§{,f°“‘*"‘·‘¥· °’°·· stating the reason, further extend the hours of any clerk or employee in their Departments, respectively; but in case of an extension it shall 1-=.};’j“;'},g‘g"’· be without additional compensation: Prorided _/izrther, That the head of any Department may grant thirty days’ annual leave with pay in