360 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 183·- 185. 1898. S°°¤‘€*,{¤*Y °fx¤‘*° SECL 5. That any bridge authorized to be constructed under this Act Pm"` www °°°` shall be built and located under and subject to such regulations for the security of navigation of said river as the Secretary of War shall Q‘jt,:g¥;‘f° P1°¤°· prescribe; and to secure that object the said company shall submit to 'the Secretary of War for his examination and approval a design and drawing of the bridge and a map of location, giving, for the space of one mile above and one mile below the proposed location, the topography of the banks of the river, the shore lines at high and low water, the directions and strength of currents at all stages, and soundings accurately showing the bed of the stream, and the location of any other bridge or bridges, and shall furnish such other information as may be required for a full and satisfactory understanding of the subject; and until the said plan and location of the bridge are approved by the —<=*¤¤¤g¤¤· Secretary of War, the bridge shall not be commenced or built; and if any change is required by the Secretary of War in the plan of said bridge while the same is in progress of construction or after its completion, or if the entire removal of said bridge is required by him at any time, the cost of sigh change; og removal shall be paid by the company owning or contro in said ri ge. Am•>¤<i¤¤¤¤¤· Sec. 6. That the right tg alter or amend or repeal this Act i hereby expressly reserved. w<j_¤¤};*g,j,¤;°°¤¤¤*¤¤d Sec. 7. That this Act shall be null and void if actual construction of Pthe bridge herein authorized be not commenced within one year and completed within three years from the date hereof · Approved, April 21, 1898. APYU ZL 1**98- CHAP. 184.-An Act To create a board of local inspectors of steam vessels for the UU; customs district of Alaska. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United I-gags-fl cm States of America in Utmgress assembled, That section forty-four hun- ,,,,,,,,§‘,’v,‘Qs,,'Q1’,$,,,,,f drcd and fourteen of the Revised Statutes of the United States, as 8;*- @1 sg; 4414%;;- amended by the Act of Congress approved March iirst, eighteen huna,..;,,,d€.{_’ p‘ ’ dred and ninety-five, chapter one hundred and forty-six, third session . Fifty-third Congress (page six hundred and ninety-nine, volume twenty- eight, United States Statutes at Large), be amended by inserting the word "Alaska,” in the last line of the third paragraph of said Act, after the word “Alabau1a” and preceding the word “and." Approved, April 21, 1898. Apr-ii 21, ises. CHAP. 185.-An Act To amend "An Act authorizing the construction of a railway, M N " w“•·‘—‘ street-railway, motor, wagon, and pedestrian bridge over the Missouri River, near (jouncil Bluffs, lowa, and Omaha, Nebraska," and to extend the time for the completion of the bridge therein provided for. . I' Be i thenacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United R§j;jl¤·¤§_j;f:¤{1;¤;;;;g; States of America in Congress assembled, That section eight of the Act i;i..'a·s_ vlosva, ami entitled "An Act authorizing the construction of a railway, street- "’{l*jf{fg,§;f§,, railway, motor, wagon, and pedestrian bridge over the Missouri River, vin. er, p. 4:1 near Council Bluils, Iowa, and Omaha, Nebraska," as amended by an Act aplproved .ga(puary twentyeighth, eighteen hundred and ninety- three, e amenv e to read as follows: ,,§‘§§§;,.{§lf,,.‘{f’“*""'°` "SEC- 8- That this Act shall be null and void if construction or said bridge shall not be commenced on or before the nrst day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, and be completed on or before the /j»···»f·=·»»- iirst day of July, nineteen hundred and three: Provided, That the ,_,,{·,·;,jg;f{f’““‘-’i"""’ navigation of the Missouri River shall not be obstructed by false works >it¤ne¤l»¤~· ofme during the construction of the bridge: And providedfurther, That such "’·""‘°·· guide piers or dikes as may be required by the Secretary of War tor