368 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 229. 1898. Carlisle, Secretary of the Treasury, and Hoke Smith, Secretary of the Interior, on behalf of the United States, and James P. Clarke, governor of Arkansas, on behalf of that State, which was made under and by virtue of the authority conferred by an Act of Congress approved "<>l-2¤·r-221 August fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-tour, entitled “An Act to authorize a compromise and settlement with the State of Arkansas," and the act of the general assembly of Arkansas, approved April eighth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, authorizing the governor to act for that State, be, and the same is hereby, approved and given the full force and effect of law upon the declarations and conditions hereinafter provided._ _ uB=¤g·*t¤;d*·ét;>¤t°;·¤,{¤ Sec. 2. That the amount of six hundred and sixty-two thousand nine ziigsnidior Arkansas; hundred and seventyone dollars and thirty-tive cents, with which the State is credited in said compromise and settlement for one hundred and thirty-two thousand five hundred and ninety-four and twenty- seven one-hundredths acres of indemnity land, at the price of five dollars an acre, be, and the same is hereby, reduced to the amount of three hundred and thirty-one thousand four hundred and eighty-five dollars and sixty-three cents, the value of said indemnity land at two dollars and fifty cents an acre, the double minimum price of Government land; and the State of Arkansas is hereby credited with the sum of three hundred and thirty-one thousand four hundred and eighty-five dollars and sixty-eight cents for two hundred and sixty-five thousand one hundred and eighty eight and fifty-iour one-hundredths acres of additional selected unadjusted swamp land, at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, the minimum price of Government land, leaving the balance to be paid by the State of Arkansas to the United States under said compromise and settlement one hundred and sixty thousand five hundred and seventy-two dollars. b;)fIj:13_¤fS1;;¤:_yh)¤;,¤:;¤ Sec. 3. That the title of all persons who have purchased from the ’ contirmgd Awmpnud State of Arkansas any unconfirmed swamp land and hold deeds for the °°¤**¤¤°d· same be, and the same is hereby, confirmed and made valid as against any claim or right of the United States, and without the payment by said persons, their heirs or assigns, of any sum whatever to the United States or to the State of Arkansas. StR;¢1¤;qn¤i¤h¤¤¢¤t: br Sec. 4. That the State of Arkansas does hereby relinquish and quit- ¤¤h€»° phinireniarfh claim to the United States all lands heretofore confirmed, certified, or ¤**¤·¤*¤· patented to the State which have been entered under the public land laws; and does hereby cede, relinquish, and quitclaim to the United States all right, title, and interest under the Acts of September twenty- \j·»¤.¤». nn?. eighth, eighteen hundred and fifty, March second, eighteen hundred and {-§f{j}Y;,‘{$_,*5‘f; fifty-tive, and March third, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, in and to all lands in the State which have been heretofore granted, continued, certified, or patented by the United States under any other Acts, and the title to such lands is hereby confirmed in the grantees, their heirs, successors, or assigns. anything in this Act or any other Act to the con- {;·;vf¤~•· Q I _ trury notwithstanding: Provided, That this Act shall be of no force or .,.»g.m._iiZ§¥'§`mJ" “" effect until the State of Arkansas shall have accepted and approved the conditions, limitations, and provisions herein contained by an act of the general assembly or by an instrument in writing duly executed by the governor under the authority conferred upon him by the legislature of said State, and tiled with the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of the Interior within one year from the approval of this Act: \\’hr¤r·>=¤kv¤¤M- Prmyidecl jnrther, That whereas the general assembly of the State of Arkansas did, on the tenth day of 'March, eighteen hundred and ninety- seven. accept and approve the conditions, limitations, and provisions herein contained before the passage of this Act, making the same etlective and conclusive, theretbre this Act shall be in full force and etlect from and after its passage. Approved, April 29, 1898.