FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 299. 1898. 413 been first in time in actual survey or construction, as the case may be, shall be deemed first in right. Sec. 9. That the map and profile of detinite location of such railroad, _1¤amu¤¤ of locawagon road, or tramway, to be tiled as hereinbefore provided, shall, “°“ °" P'°*“° “‘“P· when tbe line passes over surveyed lands, indicate the location of the -—¤¤My¤<11¤¤~1¤- road by reference to section or other established survey corners, and where such line passes over unsurveyed lands the location thereon qmmmyea. shall be indicated by courses and distances and by references to natural objects and permanent monuments in such manner that the location of the road may be readily determined by reference to descriptions given in connection with said profile map. Sec. 10. That any citizen of the United States twenty-one years of m§,‘;;‘;j°° lfé 1*;**** age, or any association of such citizens, or any corporation incorporated provemengs by tw? under the laws of the United States or of any State or Territory now {’;j,‘5@_f°' P‘“*’°°" °*` authorized by law to hold lands in the Territories, hereafter in the possession of and occupying public lands in the District of Alaska in good faith for the purposes of trade, manufacture, or other productive industry, may each purchase one claim only not exceeding eighty acres of such land for any one person, association, or corporation, at two dollars aud fifty cents per acre, upon submission of proof that said area embraces improvements of the claimant and is needed in the prosecution of such trade, manufacture, or other productive industry, such tract of land not to include mineral or coal lands, and ingress and egress shall be reserved to the public on the waters of all streams, whether , navigable or otherwise: Provided, That no entry shall be allowed _ under this Act on lands abutting on navigable water of more than 1»1¤$¤.£:,1°iZa€°“” eighty rods: Provided further, That there shall be reserved by the memamspmm. United States a. space of eighty rods in width between tracts sold or “°"°d‘ entered under the provisions of this Act on lands abutting on any . navigable stream, inlet, gulf, bay, or seashore, and that the Secretary ——u¤» or m wxmms, of the Interior may grant the use of such reserved lands abutting on °"" the water front to any citizen or as ociation of citizens, or to any COI'· poration incorporated under the laws of the United States or under the laws of any State or Territory, for landings, and wharves, with the provision that the public shall have access to and proper use of such wharves, and landings, at reasonable rates of toll to be prescribed by said Secretary, and a roadway sixty feet in width, parallel -1‘¤¤¤iW¤yr¤¤¤rv¤d· to the shore line as near as may be practicable, shall be reserved for the use of the public as a highway: Provided further, That in case M*¤¤>¤ •·¤¤i¤¤¤¤¢··· more than one person, association, or corporation shall claim the same tract of land, the person, association, or corporation having the prior claim, by reason of actual possession und continued occupation in good faith, shall be entitled to purchase the same, but where several persons are or may be so possessed of parts of the tract applied for the same shall be awarded to them according to their respective interests: Pm- P¤¤=1¤¤¤¤¤ for ¢r¤•1¤ vided further, That all claims substantially square in form and lawfully initiated, prior to January twenty-first eighteen hundred and ninety- `—,,]_26_P_ 110,, eight, by survey or otherwise, under sections twelve and thirteen of the Act approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one (Twenty- sixth Statutes at Large, Chapter five hundred and sixty-one), may be perfected and patented upon compliance with the provisions of said Act, but subject to the requirements and provisions of this Act, except as to area, but in no case shall such entry extend along the water front _ ibr more than one hundred and sixty rods: And provided further, That ,m{·g';'“f=' P’“°°“ ’°' the Secretary of the Interior shall reserve for the use of the natives of ` Alaska suitable tracts of land along the water front of any stream, inlet, bay, or sea shore for landing places for canoes and other craft used by _ _ I such natives: Provided, That the Annette, Pribilof Islands, and the E_E§_§f"‘ ‘*’“""' '°‘ islands leased or occupied for the propagation of foxes be excepted from the operation of this Act. " _ _ __ That all aiiidavits, testimony, proofs, and other papers provided for ,,,‘§§,1,§’;f_°§{;’f”“' °' °"’ by this Act and by said Act of March third, eighteen hundred and V¤¤·2¤-v-¤¤¤- ninety-one, or by any departmental or Executive regulation thereunder,